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Race Mixing Conspiracy 22/07/04(Mon)04:31 No. 21166

File 165690186538.jpg - (137.01KB , 700x700 , le67w5.jpg )

If you openly try to talk about how there's a spiritual sabotage program going on in western cultures with pushing miscegenation propoganda images you will be SILENCED.

I try to make threads on shitchan about race mixing conspiracy and it's immediately deleted. What is going on and why is there a complete coverup about talking about how white women ARE TOLD to have sex and reproduce only with black men?

22/07/04(Mon)18:02 No. 21167


22/07/04(Mon)22:26 No. 21168

touch grass

22/07/05(Tue)02:56 No. 21169

File 16569826062.png - (40.08KB , 324x246 , 5t89099789.png )

WTF do you mean you can't see a really strong propaganda message going on and white women are falling for it hook line and sinker? Think about seeing couples in 2010, then think about seeing couples today.

White girls? The best ones who can get anyone they want? Going for black trash and being ruined by them. Every fucking advertisement is a black man and white female. They never show the incredibly ugly children or allow the horrible results of a relationship come out. Women DESPISE actually staying in-race now and there's messages all over for it.

22/07/05(Tue)14:28 No. 21170

I don't think niggers are evil or anything but, yeah, there are strong subliminal messages about race mixing in media today.

22/07/06(Wed)01:40 No. 21171

That and there is a very heavy hand making sure nobody talks about it. Banned from all places, shunned as a maniac when you point it out, giant star of david like stamp on your person for racism if you're talking about the ACT of miscegenation and not going after blacks themselves.

22/07/13(Wed)16:34 No. 21178

Yep it happened again. You can not ever ever talk about miscegenation on the CIA run image boards. There is clearly a plan to make sure nobody notices.

22/07/20(Wed)16:59 No. 21183

Ever since Obama got elected president they turned the dial up on this.

24/07/02(Tue)01:11 No. 21561

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My pet theory is that it has to do with various aspects of ethno-religion, and some sort of bloodline-link to the Gods (Nordic-Germanic Gods, Hellenic gods, ect). As long as Whites (or any other species-race) remains pure enough as a demographic, then eventually, that race-group will tend to drift back to its naturally intended ways, in terms of behavior, culture, society, nation, laws, and the like, regardless of any other decline or ascendancy process or cycle. This includes divine or supernatural access to their own gods, and ancestors, the cycle of reincarnation, possibly also the re-manifestation or redeveloping of some degree of meta-powers, ect ect.

This is why (among other things that reroute into other conspiracy theories, like chem-trails, vaxxer-shit-shots, codex aliment-arius) mongrelization and race-mixing is noticeably pushed onto Only Whites (and primarily Only White Women), because those who rule over us, want to not only forcibly decline and diminish us, by way of repeated cullings (witch-burnings, for example) of whites who displayed powers or knowledges that the ruling foreign authorities (Every Single Time) didn't like, but to also slam the door and shut us down and cut us off, from ever finding our way back to who and what we were as a class of creature or race-demographic, before the forced declinings.

That is why universalistic christianity was so deeply and so long-spanning'ly implemented among Whites, and in Europe, so that euro-aryan whites would be well and truly deracinated and forcibly peeled of their racisms, and other methods of pushing the right white buttons, to get the desired results.

This is also why we see / saw a resurgence of older-style (neo ?) paganism on the political right, and the resultant reaction to that, of the forced invasions of 'refugee' warriors into european nations, especially what i call 'gene-seed-pool' nations like sweden, norway, germany, england, and the like, where such places haven't seen but maybe a dozen non-whites in total, and the rest of it being wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling White People, for generations and with no exception .... Atleast until post-9-11 and certainly post-covid, when our 'Dear Leaders' decreed Down From On High, that we would have to import our own invaders, and just sit there and take it, like the entire nation is now its own open-air mega-scale prison-zone.

24/07/05(Fri)22:05 No. 21565

File 172020991685.png - (454.69KB , 717x888 , 00 - the grim reality of this world.png )

devil worshippers are anti-White and the "god" of the kikes is Satan/Moloch/Saturn/Baal. Read in my image, it says that had a plan for extinction thru miscenegation even back in 1945. Everything about this slavery system we are in needs to collapse.

It feels like an open-air prison because thats exactly what it is. And yes, Whites developing race consciousness and getting in touch with their roots is the biggest thing (((they))) are afraid of. Do not back down from this noble fight of ours. We WILL win. Total kike death

24/07/06(Sat)01:51 No. 21566

>long, rambling post full of bad grammar and retardation
>not a single picture of the based ritual
3/10 LARP

24/07/06(Sat)23:12 No. 21567

go choke to death on a nigger dick you troon mutt faggot

24/07/14(Sun)20:28 No. 21569

This thread sucks, fuck you.

24/08/10(Sat)03:10 No. 21576

Have you tried dating?

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