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NT-Spek!pjgFq5Sako 09/07/29(Wed)06:02 No. 677 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts] Stickied

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Oh hey /x/. While googling my username I came across this archive of a great thread I made on /x/ ages back. Here it is in its glory again, enjoy.


NT-Spek!pjgFq5Sako 08/10/18(Sat)13:26

There was a thread on /b/ which died quite quickly a few weeks ago. The thread
was full of creepy wiki pages, Some of them were shit, some were pretty
fucking weird and creepy.
I quickly saved the list, Here ya go /x/.
Pic unrelated btw, Unless you class Ulillillia and his crazy antics as
Some are repeats also.

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298 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
24/10/10(Thu)04:12 No. 21588

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Best dump of wiki articles I've ever seen. Now I have years to read. Love you.

some theory pologne9 21/02/27(Sat)13:28 No. 20957 [Reply]

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I have a theory. A stupid theory. What if Q anon was made by democrats and leftists to make trump supporters look stupid?


12 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
24/10/29(Tue)00:44 No. 21603

I bet the guy is a kike. The picture on the guy definitely gives off those vibes.

Anyway, I assume that the Q shit is just something to distract the more gullible conspiracy theorist, and ultimately waste their time while they waste their lives on politics and other pointless shit that likely hadn't mattered in 200~ years.

Thank you for being knowledgeable. It gets seriously grating to hear those that fall for it latch onto any kike controller golem. I honestly feel like there's no hope with those freaks.

Thankfully, there ie hope and there is an answer, but who knows how long it'll take for them to make it. The waves of kike golems is massive and seemingly endless, but not invincible.

The kikes are using their infamous dark magic and rituals to keep ownership of the world, and it seems to be getting weaker and waning, which is why they're trying harder than ever to keep their positions.

24/11/03(Sun)01:15 No. 21607

It wasn't about looking stupid. It was a call to inaction. To get people to sit down and trust the plan. So they don't actually do anything. Just wait to be saved by white hats that never existed. At its core this is what Q was all about. Also not the first time it had been tried.


25/02/17(Mon)15:14 No. 21631

completely unnecessary

Is this cursed? Cursed 22/04/25(Mon)10:02 No. 21141 [Reply]

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It's cursed.

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22/11/02(Wed)12:15 No. 21256


Don't forget all the euro and us pron
Which showed more hairy mens arses, than focusing on the women.
Very gay

24/10/17(Thu)22:48 No. 21593

Because Millennials amd Gen X totally dont do that, right?

Beaver!p/9fQnNnMM 25/02/16(Sun)12:30 No. 21630

No it’s just some dumb kid

Luck Magick 22/08/05(Fri)06:38 No. 21198 [Reply]

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Hey guys, new fag here. To be frank, I'm in a pretty tough spot in my life at the moment. And currently coach surfing at a friend of a friend. I found an apartment, but afraid I won't be able to cover the security deposit and the couple months of rent needed in advance since I am currently unemployed. I have about $200 in cash at the moment. Any tips in regards to magick that could help me get that amount of money or find a decent job? Not asking for the impossible like I see other fags on this board do. Just what's needed really. Thanks friens

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24/11/25(Mon)09:50 No. 21610

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Do you seriously believe in magic? What's going on with the world these days? Pull your head out of your ass and stay off the internet for a while.

24/11/26(Tue)03:34 No. 21611

I know A_Wizard from 420chan, he used to be quite into financial magic and money making in general. I think I still have his contact somewhere, although I'm not sure, it's been a while. Last time we talked it was in regards to shitcoin. Wonder if that project's still alive. He cofounded.

25/02/04(Tue)13:24 No. 21629

You don't believe in the poltergeist?
Didn't you see star wars?

UFO's OG Nazi Party? 21/05/23(Sun)01:50 No. 20992 [Reply]

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I watched that video of those 11 UFOs in Mexico being videoed by Mexican military and a few thoughts came to me. This is spooking American military, Chinese military, and even Russian military, it's none of us. 11 ships here, 4 ships here, 8 ships there, these are a lot of ships to be coming in from space not to be detected.

Think about light years, and Bob Lazar being tasked with figuring out how to work these 9 totally different UFO's. Bob said that he was told most of these were found already downed way before he was old enough to even be in college. So I have a question: Why wouldn't an intelligent ship with capabilities of light-year travel not have a GPS locator and damage report system? And if it did, and if it takes aliens to get that signal and travel here from lets say 1930-1940 to 2020-2021 or earlier, why wouldn't they send a fleet? Why wouldn't they at least send 1,000 ships and hover over the Earth looking for answers? Why would they send small clusters at different points in time?

These ships are coming from Earth. A long time ago Hitler sent his men to claim New Swabia, a place in Antarctica for their own. They believed in a theory that the Earth was hallow and inside it were new lands with possibly new resources. These ships we're seeing are repurposed or newly built UFOs coming from underwater. 10000% percent. There is no way NO one's space programs are catching clusters of ships hyper beaming into our airspace.

When Hitler "died" it was reported by the Russians. But if you look into it American military personnel believe Hitler lived and escaped. I don't like being called crazy, and I don't like feeling crazy. But we pay our taxes, our rent, and follow the law as best we can. I feel we're not being told everything and that it's unfair to us. We've all had hardships and I doubt our heads would explode, I'm tired of us the people being in the dark. You have these unidentified ships flying at speeds that leave personnel in awe, with shaky voices when explaining what they saw. You've got these ships dropping 30-40,000ft in seconds actively jamming radar. I feel like if it was aliens we'd have been told by now because it's quite hard to hide clusters of ships zooming in from space and hyper speed. These are man-made ships and Hitler had some of the best scientists and egg heads in the world working for him. With the state of man today, the plan is clearly: Destabilize the world, and attack when the time is right. I think the Nazi's either figured out how to keep Adolf alive, or they have an heir and enough military power to strike soon. These aren't aliens, I believe aliens would have approached us in greater numbers and to our face. I'm afraid.

24 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Piccolo 25/02/04(Tue)12:16 No. 21626

They used to hide spaceships in the moon until I destroyed it with my SPECIAL BEAM CANNON :3

GP 25/02/04(Tue)12:29 No. 21627

They have technology for the spaceship to dodge any time-space where the ship is damaged because they reside in dark-space.

Some of the spaceships are millions of years old. They are magic powered by magnetic gravity technology.

The majority of earth territory must be relinquished to the original order from the heavens.

25/02/04(Tue)13:18 No. 21628

Hitler was just a puppet after he "became Germany".

It is ironic you are afraid of forces from heaven when they would be more competent leadership than the leaders that are poisoning humanity with beef and Zerg-shit, causing diseases and polluting earth and threatening our natural resources.

And the spaceships work in the dark like the levitating monoliths flying at mach speeds (this doesn't work in the light of the public eye) and the poltergeist that makes it impossible for you low class peoples to construct hydrogen nuclear warheads of significant scale because they don't operate themselves correctly.

FAT32 CEASED Brawly (from Ruby) 25/02/04(Tue)11:40 No. 21622 [Reply]

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It appears that ghosts can't steal flash anymore (HM) after Christmas.

Who was dead now? Losers.

Hitler Bunny 25/02/04(Tue)11:43 No. 21623

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Squeezing out an Easter egg this big is going to take some tume.

No Master Gundam 25/02/04(Tue)11:59 No. 21624

Thank you for the back up, Cheif. This installation is being activated according to schedule. Less than 180 days to begin firing sequence... This waiting game grows less tiresome the closer the deadline looms.

The Core 25/02/04(Tue)12:01 No. 21625

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Godzilla, your covenant has less than 190 days of oxygen left.

24/07/22(Mon)00:48 No. 21572 [Reply]

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The real world is the benedryl world. Our god and our conciousness filters out the spiders and shadow people but the DPH reveals what lies underneath. Benedryl is 100x more enlightening than LSD and 100000x more enlightening than DMT. This is reality. (I took 700mg)

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24/10/21(Mon)23:26 No. 21597


They did it was called "The Civil War", dumb ass
The bad guys won, now go back to watch super hero movies

24/11/03(Sun)01:11 No. 21606

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In my experience I agree with this statement. Of all the psychotropic drugs benadryl is the closest to the real world. Also funfact I had ai render that image for a thread some months ago. I am amazed somebody saved it. Pic related, is an earlier version.

You misunderstand. The spiders are not added so much as revealed. Like many other drugs that are serotonin agonists it messes with the visual cortex. The part of the brain that processes the raw signal input from the eyes. Rarely this will be hallucinations but more often a breakdown in specific systems. Since our eyes work in a very weird way compared to cameras, both in terms of opponent process and in gathering several wavelengths of light and interpreting color from it. For example red cones collect half the rainbow but peak at absorbing green. Our brains evolved several systems to interpret this in a meaningful way. Everything from seeing faces to enhancing borders to leading a target in motion. So some portion of this breaks down and you see more faces, or blurry borders on objects, or the illusion of motion. Sometimes it will also reveal things that are there that we can not perceive. Filtered out from our consciousness either by nature or intent. These are the spiders or machine elves. Or countless other entities. I don't know if they are sentient, robots used to maintain reality, or merely an artifact that is a byproduct of existence itself. If there are different kinds or if different drugs cause different people to interpret one thing in different ways. But it is something that exists and that we do not usually perceive.

25/01/23(Thu)06:24 No. 21620

benadryl and other drugs let us tap into different realms that are all occurring, yet we can only see some of them otherwise we'd overwhelm our senses and go insane. Who knows what the benadryl realm is tho purgatory? Hell maybe

24/10/26(Sat)16:00 No. 21598 [Reply]

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Excerpts from "A Treatise on the Distinction of the Divine Powers, Being an Inquiry into the Essence and Orders of Elohim, as Manifested in Holy Writ"

To the most pious Reader who attendeth closely to the sacred Mysteries of Holy Scripture, it is manifest that the Names by which Divine Essence is revealed are not mere tokens or idle labels, but rather Keys which unlock diverse Truths regarding the very nature and manifold Orders of the Heavens. The Name Elohim, a Name of Plurality, of Power in Congregation, signaleth not a solitary Figure but rather a Holy Assembly, a Communion of divine Personages united in Essence yet diverse in Person. And yet, set apart and more sacred still is the Name of the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable Name by which the Most Holy One revealeth Himself uniquely unto His Chosen People, Israel. I thus submit for holy Contemplation and with the utmost reverence that while Elohim denotes a multiplicity in divinity, the Tetragrammaton doth refer to One set apart, He who standeth in singular Station amidst the Elohim, elevated in purpose and role, and unto whom Israel doth owe sole fealty.

In that First and primal Book of Moses, called Genesis, it is written with solemnity, In the beginning Elohim created the Heavens and the Earth. This pronouncement is laden with Mystery, for, were Elohim but a single Entity, wherefore doth the Scripture employ the language of communion, declaring, Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness? Such words reveal a Council of Divine Beings, a gathering wherein holy Speech passeth between Personages of infinite Wisdom and Authority, as in a grand celestial Congress. Elohim is, then, not one Voice alone but a symphony of holy utterance, a Company of divine Spirits whose shared purpose brings forth Creation. This plurality bespeaks a Sovereignty not confined unto One, but radiating outward as Light in myriad rays, each potent, each full of Majesty, each a distinct participant in the grand Work of Creation.

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24/10/26(Sat)16:03 No. 21601

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In our reading of Sacred Scripture, we are exhorted to see the Lord of the Tetragrammaton as a distinct Person amongst Elohim, yet one endowed with unique purpose, namely, that of bearing the Covenant upon His Shoulders and of drawing Israel unto Himself alone. The Priesthood of Melchizedek, moreover, doth signal that even this Lord of the Covenant standeth beneath the supreme Authority of the Most High, who alone commandeth the reverence of all divine Orders. Thus, we conclude that the sublime Mystery contained within these Scriptures doth not propose the solitary nature of the divine, but rather the grandeur of a divine Society, a heavenly Hierarchy wherein the Most High, the Elohim, and the Covenant Lord abide in distinct and ordered Majesty.

Let us, then, as earnest seekers of Wisdom, discern in these divine Orders the many names of Splendor of God, whose sacred Names and Titles reveal a celestial Communion of Beings, among whom our Covenant Lord, the Tetragrammaton, taketh Preeminence as the chosen Object of Israel’s devotion, yet who Himself remaineth ever in reverence before El Elyon, the Most High. Thus may our understanding, enriched by holy Scripture, aspire evermore to the heights of reverence, as we meditate upon this heavenly Assembly, where each divine Being standeth in radiant honor, each revealing, in differyng measure, the ineffable Glory of the Godhead, in all His boundless Wisdom and All Power.

24/10/27(Sun)01:01 No. 21602

Doggo looks so friken goofy

25/01/01(Wed)02:00 No. 21614

The bible sickens me

SCARY Videos To Give You NIGHTMARES ! *DON'T watch ALONE! Top10 24/12/17(Tue)05:50 No. 21613 [Reply]

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24/10/07(Mon)16:31 No. 21582 [Reply]

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I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system called usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, a sub-country. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs or decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Mass persecution was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least from the deep web I dug up some data. In Finland, people with multiple problems are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. The whole is managed pretty much completely and throughout the necessary amount. Society is a brainwash and a gross exploitation facility.
So they have pretty much taken control of everything and are turning the overall picture in the direction they want as if secretly behind the scenes. Opinions are managed. Public discussion is managed. People are controlled. Even this arrangement in society makes it impossible to hear gravel sounds. There are very few awakened people and they are actively tried to be silenced or even killed.
Isn't that pretty cool? However, this is true and for the most part in the wa Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

24/11/12(Tue)11:17 No. 21608

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