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some theory pologne9 21/02/27(Sat)13:28 No. 20957

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I have a theory. A stupid theory. What if Q anon was made by democrats and leftists to make trump supporters look stupid?


21/02/27(Sat)16:06 No. 20958

Bruh...I mean thats actually fucking plausible. We dont have any proofs that this actually happened though, but it could be.

21/03/13(Sat)00:18 No. 20963

Would they really need to do that??!!!

21/03/26(Fri)06:36 No. 20965

While enlisted in the US army Jim Watkins hosted a site that sold illegal porn in Japan. What exactly was on that site? It’s not all known but there are many rumors of having been cp. Consider this scenario: Watkins gets got by the feds but they cut him a deal and he agrees to help them out. Watkins is a weird outcast but is fluent in underground internet culture, the feds can use him. So they ship him out to Manila, Phillipines (center of cia operations in Asia) where he launches a number of strange businesses. He eventually starts grabbing up the chans, borderline extorting 8chan and 2chan from their previous owners. It’s later all but confirmed Watkins is q with him launching a new q flavored website under the same domain as q. The website is quickly taken down.

blueotter 21/03/31(Wed)07:44 No. 20966

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They do use controlled opposition to make the opposition look stupid and inject Xianity into movements. They play both sides against the middle.

forumpost 21/04/30(Fri)10:43 No. 20978

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oh lol he was hosting japanese porn sites
oh shit he actually is a pig farmer

Densel 23/01/18(Wed)22:28 No. 21332

i say you're an obvious troll and im gonna ignore you

23/01/19(Thu)16:21 No. 21335

I hope it was

23/02/02(Thu)20:05 No. 21343

Q is a set up to make people think something is being done to control the evil deep State. While people wait to be saved they deepen their control and vax people to death. The Jews did this in the Soviet Union with Operation Trust. Look it up, it's the same thing.

24/02/09(Fri)09:30 No. 21513

hate q

24/08/12(Mon)13:28 No. 21577

Counterargument: They really didn't need to do extra work to make republicans look stupid.

24/10/17(Thu)22:42 No. 21592

This is a tired out copium made up by Republicans.
Also Democrats are not leftists.

24/10/18(Fri)01:16 No. 21595


>Also Democrats are not leftists.


24/10/29(Tue)00:44 No. 21603

I bet the guy is a kike. The picture on the guy definitely gives off those vibes.

Anyway, I assume that the Q shit is just something to distract the more gullible conspiracy theorist, and ultimately waste their time while they waste their lives on politics and other pointless shit that likely hadn't mattered in 200~ years.

Thank you for being knowledgeable. It gets seriously grating to hear those that fall for it latch onto any kike controller golem. I honestly feel like there's no hope with those freaks.

Thankfully, there ie hope and there is an answer, but who knows how long it'll take for them to make it. The waves of kike golems is massive and seemingly endless, but not invincible.

The kikes are using their infamous dark magic and rituals to keep ownership of the world, and it seems to be getting weaker and waning, which is why they're trying harder than ever to keep their positions.

24/11/03(Sun)01:15 No. 21607

It wasn't about looking stupid. It was a call to inaction. To get people to sit down and trust the plan. So they don't actually do anything. Just wait to be saved by white hats that never existed. At its core this is what Q was all about. Also not the first time it had been tried.


25/02/17(Mon)15:14 No. 21631

completely unnecessary

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