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, I googled Creepy gif and got this_ Not bad imo.gif
Yep, this is an actual board. Congratulations to you.. you sad, lonely
individuals. I think the best way to describe this board is to just copy paste the post
that inspired it's trip on to /777/:
"There's too much happiness on this site already. We need more cold stuff, more
darkness and unhappiness.
I propose a /grim/ board. Where we gather to share jokes that aren't funny. Grim
stuff like gore perhaps. Murder stories. Genocide. Results of war. Pictures of
areas in the dark. Pictures of crumbling ruins. Pictures of thing that are
decreasing in value or are stagnant in value in the sense that they cannot get
any more undesired. Also, Nigrachan is obligatory."
Lets have a minor tweak of the rules from the /777/, version.
This board
is not for gore. Gore posters will be banned. It's just for generally
miserable shit, just go with the stuff that is in the above quote and you should
be fine. Any further rules will be made up as we go along if necessary and will
be added to this post.
Go Wild.
To request future /777/s
use this thread.
New Admin post 30th Sept, 2013.
and 20
omitted. Click Reply to view.