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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 19/12/07(Sat)06:55 No. 131743 [Reply]

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Here is the Rick and Morty 5e shit. Could someone find a free corp of Secrets of Blackmoor? Those links are fucked.

Anonymous 19/11/07(Thu)10:39 No. 131705 [Reply]

File 157311955321.jpg - (283.89KB , 1000x433 , Secrets of Blackmoor_webtitle2_orig.jpg )

Sup /tg/ don't mean to bother yall, but I want to see if any one could direct me to the location of the secrets of blackmoor doc that I can watch for free. I would pay, but I've been broke for a while. Thanks in advance regardless of outcome.

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Anonymous 19/11/07(Thu)12:59 No. 131707

Thanks, but I'm only getting error messages for those links.

Anonymous 19/11/09(Sat)05:32 No. 131708

Is there any where else?

Anonymous 19/11/26(Tue)21:11 No. 131731

Links are dead

Anonymous 19/11/09(Sat)06:52 No. 131709 [Reply]

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How do yall feel about limiting player interactions with game mechanics? ie rolling dice, character creation, or even looking at the rules.

Anonymous 19/11/14(Thu)15:53 No. 131717

Dislike. I feel like if there aren't any mechanics for settling things, that's fine - that's a narrative game or group storytelling.

But if there ARE mechanics, but players don't know about them until they must use them, then that builds frustration.

"What do you mean, it's always a Strength roll to open a jar - I put a dozen points into Dexterity specifically for jar-opening! We're already level 5, I'm not going to go and reroll my character now, and I'm shit at one of the things I thought my character would be good at!"

Anonymous 19/11/16(Sat)11:00 No. 131719

What if they were only asked to make decisions on their characters actions. No knowledge of their stats nor the ability to make rolls. They are left with their actions and choices. The mechanics would exist, just be in the background and the math done solely by the ref.

apps anon 19/11/09(Sat)23:18 No. 131711 [Reply]

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Hey, does anon know any app which allows to download files in folders and subfolders just by introducing a link to the main page of a site?
I'd like to download some troves but it's really hard since no app seems to be able to do it and I am not good enough for tech to understand how to use Wget

other option would be if someone can teach me how to run Wget on windows 8, I don't even know which files should I download on the side.

thanks in advance.

What games are better: tabletop or laptop? Nora Fudge 19/11/05(Tue)07:33 No. 131699 [Reply]

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I like play games, have a lot of both: tabletop, laptop. I think that it is better to play on a laptop because game can take you to another world. Or options for games that can be played on a computer and phone. For this I love https://www.hypercasino.org/ . There are many different games, I can always find something suitable for myself.

Anonymous 19/11/05(Tue)17:26 No. 131700

TG is better; Vidya already has a world laid out for you and has boundaries on your imagination: E.G there is none. It's like watching a movie.

TG allows you to do literally anything

Anonymous 19/05/29(Wed)22:11 No. 131506 [Reply]

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Name a better campaign setting than Eberron.

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Anonymous 19/09/17(Tue)22:37 No. 131617

my ass

Anonymous 19/09/21(Sat)23:15 No. 131626

Planescape - where else can I dungeoncrawl in the floating carcass of a dead and forgotten God?

Anonymous 19/11/04(Mon)21:59 No. 131696

Mystara. Serraine, Ancient Blackmoor, Glantri and the Savage Coast can already handle all of your magitech needs!

collecting thread Anonymous 18/08/29(Wed)09:13 No. 131378 [Reply]

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do you collect money, stamps or other things?

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Anonymous 19/10/18(Fri)02:33 No. 131673

I collect all of these things, it brings me great delight to do so. I have boxes and boxes of stamps and I expect to have rooms and rooms of stamps down the line. Maybe buildings, we'll see, but the satisfaction of knowing there's more stamps out there to have delights me to no end. I have every stamp you could make and I intend to get the new ones that come out. I printed stamps of my own just to collect them. I have stamp t-shirts, too. Maybe I have too much enthusiasm there. I would be hard pressed to find an argument in the world proving that not also having my enthusiasm is a normal trait, though, because stamps are so innately satisfying. If you don't collect stamps, what do you do? lol

Anonymous 19/10/18(Fri)03:24 No. 131675

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I would suggest Skull and Crossbones if you can find it, always my favourite VHS-Game.


Anonymous 19/10/21(Mon)12:45 No. 131677

I collect RPGs and Original wheels Lesney/Matchbox die cast vehicles from the 1950s & 1960s.

Monopoly General Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)02:06 No. 131644 [Reply]

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Whats the best edition?
Name a supperior property game
Pro tip: you will
Fav vidya edition?

Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)04:29 No. 131645

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I used to play anti-monopoly.

It's an interesting take but biased. The whole game is geared towards the "Competitors", for the Monopolists to win they need to either get luck or hope the people they're playing with will trade haphazardly.

Securing your place in Heaven with one easy trick! Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)05:44 No. 131592 [Reply]

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Hello! I was thinking about that one myth with the guy who put his soul into an egg, making him immortal. This got me thinking, in DnD, could someone put their soul into an egg and lock their morality into an alignment even if their actions go directly against it? I'd imagine it just shuts off any alignment effects at all, no detecting evil, no smiting good, and any actions without your soul in you wouldn't show up in any divine book of judgement that sort of thing.

Looking for HiRes original DnD 5d art Anonymous 18/03/28(Wed)11:38 No. 131232 [Reply]

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There's a source (or trove) of 5e books art in a good resolution to be used for cards, modules, etc?
Looking for Races and Classes, and at least the common, low level monsters....


Anonymous 19/05/29(Wed)22:21 No. 131508

>There's a source (or trove) of 5e books art in a good resolution to be used for cards, modules, etc?
I'm pretty sure the 5eSRD has pictures for all (open source) monsters, you should check it out.

Anonymous 19/08/30(Fri)03:14 No. 131587

D&D Beyond has them. The stats are locked behind a paywall but art isn't. :)

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