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/tg/ - Tabletop Games
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Monopoly General Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)02:06 No. 131644

File 157006117168.jpg - (24.20KB , 300x300 , 41uWV9uIEML.jpg )

Whats the best edition?
Name a supperior property game
Pro tip: you will
Fav vidya edition?

Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)04:29 No. 131645

File 157006975548.jpg - (164.05KB , 747x596 , Anti-Monopoly.jpg )

I used to play anti-monopoly.

It's an interesting take but biased. The whole game is geared towards the "Competitors", for the Monopolists to win they need to either get luck or hope the people they're playing with will trade haphazardly.

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