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Instructions are contained for using this modern-era archetype with Modern Adventures by Panik Productions or with d20 Modern.
Very few people in developed countries bother riding horses anymore, but they have readily taken to hitting the road on their motorbikes.
Affected Features:Weapon/Armour Proficiency, Class Skills, Mount, Cavalier's Charge, Expert Trainer, Mighty Charge and Supreme Charge.
Bikers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, one-handed firearms and all light and medium armour. This changes the Cavalier's Weapon/Armour Proficiency.
The Ride (Ex):1st Level Bikers replace Handle Animal with either Craft (Mechanical) (Modern Adventures) or Repair (if playing with d20M), replacing Ride with Drive (d20M) or Pilot (motorcycles) (Modern Adventures) and obtaining a single motorbike for free. For the purpose of feat prerequisites, Bikers treat their motorcycle as a mount. The Biker does not take armour check penalties while mounted on his Ride. If the Ride is ever wrecked, it'll take until the next time the biker levels up before they can successfully restore or replace it. This replaces Mount and changes the cavalier's class skills.
Hit the Road:At 3th level, a Biker receives Skill Focus (Pilot Motorcycles) (Modern Adventures) or Vehicle Expert (d20M) as a bonus feat. This replaces Cavalier's Charge.
Easy Rider (Ex):At 4th level, a Biker receives a bonus equal to half his cavalier level (round down) when he uses the Drive/Pilot (motorcycles) skill to control a motorbike. This replaces Expert Trainer.
Saddle-shot:At 11th level, a Biker gets Shot on the Run as a bonus feat, even if they lack the prequisites. If they already possess it, they instead take Parting Shot asa bonus feat. If both are already possessed, the biker can take a single bonus combat feat. This replaces Mighty Charge.
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