Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
File 149941964272.jpg - (154.59KB , 1440x810 , 18815435_1512544822142302_6611253371087939049_o-1.jpg )
What are y'all gonna roll?
Man that looks boring. I wanna explore space, not a trifold tax document.
could Starfinder be ported (simplified) down to MicroLite?
star finder really isn't too complicated. I will concede that is intimidating with the amount of clutter on the sheet but it's not that bad when you get used to it. I am currently playing a lvl 6 Android technomancer and I love it!
>>125751 are aware these are special extra detailed character sheets. These aren't default at all with the normal sheet much more condensed and stream lined. Of course you'd know this if you took half a second to confirm your whining.
Here are the character sheets you need:!sR1zxYaa!KF5EX2vzTtQO6UvkUg_PzA!5KAx2YKC!eJgXxgsOCgCjFzkjRuU51g
>>131208 Yeah, the game is really just Dnd with guns once you get past the clutter.
>>131575 You mean the company who's entire game line is derivative doesn't have a shred of creativity in it? Shocking.