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Looking for HiRes original DnD 5d art Anonymous 18/03/28(Wed)11:38 No. 131232

File 152222989467.jpg - (358.82KB , 1000x1375 , MindFlayer_5E.jpg )

There's a source (or trove) of 5e books art in a good resolution to be used for cards, modules, etc?
Looking for Races and Classes, and at least the common, low level monsters....


Anonymous 19/05/29(Wed)22:21 No. 131508

>There's a source (or trove) of 5e books art in a good resolution to be used for cards, modules, etc?
I'm pretty sure the 5eSRD has pictures for all (open source) monsters, you should check it out.

Anonymous 19/08/30(Fri)03:14 No. 131587

D&D Beyond has them. The stats are locked behind a paywall but art isn't. :)

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