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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Lynch Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:44 No. 22780 [Reply]

File 17061038963.png - (825.95KB , 601x724 , Dave.png )

In this thread we talk about the greatest filmmaker of all time. The Great David Lynch

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Anonymous 24/01/25(Thu)12:43 No. 22783

No, Lynch just makes great movies

Anonymous 24/03/16(Sat)20:33 No. 22800

Dune 1984 is star wars on acid

Anonymous 24/03/18(Mon)07:56 No. 22801

No it isn't

Anonymous 22/08/06(Sat)23:20 No. 22552 [Reply]

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Jessie...we need to cameo

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Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)18:56 No. 22555

Don't you mean Mr. White?

Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:48 No. 22781

Breaking Fad sucks

Anonymous 24/01/30(Tue)09:49 No. 22784

Truth. I used to like this shit cause it passed the time but it really wasn't all that good when I rewatched some it a decade later. Sopranos is way better as its a lot funnier and quote worthy. Vince gilligan is a massive cuck anyway.

Name of movie santo 24/01/15(Mon)16:34 No. 22777 [Reply]

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Does anyone know the name of movie/series of the pictures posted? Thanks

Anonymous 24/01/16(Tue)03:53 No. 22778

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Hispanic show?

looks like daytime drama from film quality

Leafy 23/02/11(Sat)18:09 No. 22695 [Reply]

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Does anyone still listen to the beatles?

6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/12/22(Fri)18:53 No. 22774

Like John Lennon and Bill Hicks, modern society is a bunch of gates that we'd be better without, and we'll be starved to death first.

The+Red+Barron 24/01/02(Tue)00:13 No. 22775

they popularized "dubbing,"

multiple tracks of the same part

The Beatles dynamo97 24/01/15(Mon)15:58 No. 22776

yes I still listens to beatles

Your top ten favorite rappers of all time. The Boy 23/09/29(Fri)08:16 No. 22751 [Reply]

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Here's mine
2Tego Calderon
6.Vinnie Paz
8.Lil Wayne
10.Brotha Lynch Hung

Anonymous 23/11/08(Wed)23:07 No. 22766

Immortal technique
Mr traumatik
Big lurch

ChanchoLovesThePeople 23/11/08(Wed)23:20 No. 22767

Kool, I never heard of three of those but imma check them out when I have some Free Time.

Anonymous 23/12/20(Wed)14:59 No. 22771

If you can get past Welsh rappers Mr traumatik is based as fuck, I also forgot krs 1/boogie down productions, public enemy and dunno if this counts but dj screw, especially the 20-2-life tracks like inside looking out/mind went blank. Casisdead is another uk rapper (hes s londoner who talks truthly about its fierce drug game)and he is pretty witty, he went under the label castro if you needed to hear his beginning tracks. Also necrosis brother illbill is cool too like a mentally stable version of necro

deadbabies!rfBia8M6N2 16/01/17(Sun)03:44 No. 20857 [Reply]

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Channel7 is 7Chan's internet stream for movies and all that good stuff and it's STILL running daily after 6 years, fags. or you can be a badass and just open the stream to view all sorts of crazy shit. It starts at 23:00 GMT (3PM PST) every day and runs about 22-23 hours from then with different and fresh content daily! No, we don't keep a schedule, but you can find out what's on today by checking on our IRC channel!.

You can join us on IRC just to lurk and see what's on or for socially engaging in the stream with others on irc.7chan.org #channel7 with your favorite IRC browser.


You can open this link in your browser to get Channel7 in a new tab, open this one in VLC (or your preferred media player, but we know VLC works). In VLC, you open VLC and click on Media > Open Network Stream and then enter our stream playlist link: http://radio.7chan.org:8000/CH7.xspf - and then hitting play. This is the recommended method.

If you're really lazy and just want to peek at what's on you can also go to http://7chan.org/channel7.html at any time. Or just click the Channel7 tab (anywhere on 7chan) at the top right of the screen next to Rules, Watched Threads, and Settings.

Anonymous 22/03/04(Fri)22:53 No. 22318

we are Anonymous

Anonymous 22/06/01(Wed)05:31 No. 22458

No we're not.

Anonymous 23/02/04(Sat)18:45 No. 22690

Nobody realizes, but this means Quagmire can survive a nuke without much damage, this also means he’s strong enough to rip ATOMS like nothing and can actually grab ATOMS, and remember, he isn’t even supposed to be that strong because the other characters can defeat Quagmire or Joe, so obviously he isn’t using his full potential, but if that's not true then the characters in family guy are insanely strong, because basically everyone can beat Quagmire in a fight.

Anonymous 23/01/11(Wed)09:27 No. 22677 [Reply]

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I just finished my new DJ EP, DEATH STRANDING OST SLOWED AND CHOPPED. It is very glitchy audio fractals. You can listen for free at the above links. Love ya

Anonymous 23/12/04(Mon)13:50 No. 22768

Sounds pretty cool
Added to my playlists!

Best albums of all time. The Boy 22/12/20(Tue)01:39 No. 22660 [Reply]

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I go first. U2's Acthung Baby is one of the best albums of all time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cw2N3tjGIP0

2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/12/23(Fri)21:54 No. 22666

It is a great album but he says "baby" like a hundred times and I have come to find it off-putting. Would have been better without that. When I sing "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses" and play my guitar, I change "your Gypsy heart" to "your drifting heart".

Anonymous 23/08/06(Sun)00:05 No. 22733

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Anonymous 23/10/30(Mon)03:59 No. 22765

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i still listen to this shit nearly daily

Anonymous 23/10/26(Thu)14:42 No. 22763 [Reply]

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x files marathon
suptv dot org

Anonymous 23/10/26(Thu)23:46 No. 22764

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The best tv show of the world. I love this.
Good taste, OP.

Best short film ever Anonymous 23/10/17(Tue)20:35 No. 22761 [Reply]

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Peter Greene crushes in this... when are the making the feature version.

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