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/me/ - Film, Music & Television
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Lynch Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:44 No. 22780

File 17061038963.png - (825.95KB , 601x724 , Dave.png )

In this thread we talk about the greatest filmmaker of all time. The Great David Lynch

Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)18:17 No. 22782

Tell us you went to film school without saying it.

Anonymous 24/01/25(Thu)12:43 No. 22783

No, Lynch just makes great movies

Anonymous 24/03/16(Sat)20:33 No. 22800

Dune 1984 is star wars on acid

Anonymous 24/03/18(Mon)07:56 No. 22801

No it isn't

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