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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

One Piece Live Action Anonymous 23/09/29(Fri)19:22 No. 22752 [Reply]

File 169600814340.jpg - (539.32KB , 2047x1080 , AAAAQd1IXtzcIUK8mNdYfXVbZvBgEzWK1khqVGuARqfI-elXsx.jpg )

Have any of you watched the live action one piece?
I've never watched the anime or read the manga, but i personally love the live action version!
What do you all think?

Anonymous 23/10/15(Sun)20:52 No. 22760

Same story. Never had been interested in the comic or the cartoon versions, but once I started watching the live action series I had to binge the whole thing. It's great!

Anonymous 23/09/26(Tue)08:04 No. 22749 [Reply]

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Anonymous 23/09/09(Sat)03:00 No. 22744 [Reply]

File 169422120813.png - (2.03MB , 2880x1440 , Screenshot_20230909-100502.png )

Guys, you're gonna like this show.

Anonymous 23/09/09(Sat)03:01 No. 22745

File 169422126795.png - (1.99MB , 2880x1440 , Screenshot_20230909-100224.png )

Trust me on this:

Anonymous 23/09/09(Sat)03:02 No. 22746

File 169422132785.png - (1.72MB , 2880x1440 , Screenshot_20230909-100443.png )

It's good.

Anonymous 23/09/09(Sat)03:03 No. 22747

File 169422140984.png - (2.13MB , 2880x1440 , Screenshot_20230909-100426.png )

The girl from tomorrow.

Anonymous 23/08/27(Sun)04:12 No. 22736 [Reply]

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Do you guys like Sweet Tooth?

I have been watching this on youtube Anonymous 22/12/27(Tue)05:15 No. 22667 [Reply]

File 167211454832.png - (104.96KB , 320x240 , Moral_Orel_title_card.png )

What have you been enjoying lately?

7 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/02/13(Mon)10:13 No. 22698

File 167627958936.jpg - (1.20MB , 1500x2222 , MV5BNWNmYzQ1ZWUtYTQ3ZS00Y2UwLTlkMDctZThlOTJkMGJiNz.jpg )

The second season of Mindhunter. Not only is there a delightful lesbian subplot, but the season is about the Atlanta child killer, Wayne Williams. It was good.

Anonymous 23/02/19(Sun)10:37 No. 22701

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Tekken 7 OST: Soy Sauce for Geese

Anonymous 23/08/02(Wed)19:17 No. 22731

File 169099667834.jpg - (169.17KB , 1335x2000 , Cary-Grant-in-His-Girl-Friday-3647385570.jpg )

Last movie I really watched and enjoyed was this one several months ago. Despite being a comedy movie, it really knows how to make a likable antagonist and a good negative character arc, to the point that even though he's exploited the hero's(if you can call Hildy one given that her cold dedication to the story and comfort with the mob means that she must have gotten her hand's just as dirty as Walter's at some point) moral weaknesses and pride, part of you just wants to accept it. The story has been completed, the aesthetic achieved, with the vile manipulation that got to this point something that one could really attempt to ignore if they wanted to. True(even if fundamentally flawed and soon to crack once more, likely starting this cycle all over again) love prevails.

Anonymous 22/07/17(Sun)23:39 No. 22519 [Reply]

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music threat

post your own music

here's my own.





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9 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/04/25(Tue)04:18 No. 22714


I need to make a new album sometime

I have an album name ready - Social Engineering

I want a new stage name, I was thinking Hate or something along those lines

Anonymous 23/05/02(Tue)23:46 No. 22717

File 168306400843.jpg - (42.24KB , 680x680 , ddd.jpg )

GotG3 soundtrack is GOAT

Anonymous 23/06/22(Thu)15:26 No. 22723

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one of happiness
one of sadness
and one of madness

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwWCOoREFJw (HALLELUYAH)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQuah5UmFwY (RAP BATTLE)

Anonymous 23/06/29(Thu)03:01 No. 22725 [Reply]

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I made this Shameless meme but don't feel like it would be well received anywhere. So here it is!

Anonymous 23/03/18(Sat)22:02 No. 22703 [Reply]

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TV spot/advert thread, the weirder or more nostalgic the better

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Anonymous 23/03/19(Sun)13:38 No. 22706


Remember this one? Uploaded 14 years ago. Time sure flies.

The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:24 No. 22707

File 167923946366.jpg - (297.70KB , 850x1211 , __hitoshura_and_kuzunoha_raidou_shin_megami_tensei.jpg )

I don't think that's real

I recently watched a VHS laying around the house that had old ads inbetween shitty old prime time shows. The onea that really stuck out were the credit fraud ones where they have some random person with an obviously different voice going "omg so I charged it to the card lol"

Total nostalgia trip, and still a tinge of annoyance just like the old days

Anonymous 23/05/06(Sat)10:01 No. 22719

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Ads? I prefer trailers that are like short movies or music videos


Warpath - Official Live Action Film (Showdown II: Centenary)

AI Generated Shrek Video / Song Anonymous 22/10/28(Fri)08:19 No. 22617 [Reply]

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do Zoomers still like Shrek?


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Anonymous 22/12/04(Sun)10:08 No. 22639

I'm a Gen X'er and I love Shrek and jack off to Fiona R34 on a bi-weekly basis.

Anonymous 22/12/04(Sun)17:12 No. 22647

File 167017037519.jpg - (168.19KB , 1500x1000 , ghffhghgfgfhgfhhgfh.jpg )

hahahaha NO james stevenes is trans poster!

Anonymous 23/05/06(Sat)09:58 No. 22718

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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish says.... YES

John WIck 4 full film + behind the scenes Tiny 23/04/30(Sun)10:32 No. 22716 [Reply]

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john wick chapter four trailer + full film link in description +behind the scenes

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