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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Stundenvergehen X39 Aki+Streeter 24/09/12(Thu)13:43 No. 22838 [Reply]

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Aki Streeter Aki Streeter 24/09/12(Thu)13:34 No. 22837 [Reply]

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Very Disturbing Aki Streeter from Heimwerker and Daily Dose of Furry playing Synthesizer against the Multiverse

frontier western side character media Anonymous 24/08/30(Fri)11:32 No. 22830 [Reply]

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please watch the best side character western media, lover your inner child and have the best every day victory ... amen

Anonymous 24/08/03(Sat)05:10 No. 22818 [Reply]

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Do people just not have any taste in music anymore?
How can you listen to this without throwing up?
Like this song is so bad it is unreal.
Are people really so retarded they actually like this?
It sounds like some retarded fucking cunts who can't sing giving the most effortless performance of their life while high on weed.
It's so retarded and stupid and I just can't believe anybody who likes this shit considers themselves a "human being." Compared to the great classical musicians it is an insult to call this goyslop "music," it's a crime against humanity to make a song as bad as this trash. Anyone who likes it is not human either. Lol.

Anonymous 24/08/03(Sat)06:42 No. 22819

that type of music existed during the 90s and early 2000s too.
it's club music, for people who are zonked out of their minds.
low-tier gatekeeping.

Anonymous 24/08/04(Sun)22:33 No. 22820

That type of music isn't for actual listening, it's for playing loudly in a crowded room of intoxicated people of your age group. It's corporate youth culture breed noise. It's always existed.

Anonymous 24/08/23(Fri)15:41 No. 22827

As other anons pointed out this is just another braindead party song that every generation has. Both Charli xcx and Billie Eilish have better songs, they're both pretty talented as far as mainstream artists go

What did Lennon see in Yoko? Anonymous 22/07/16(Sat)03:41 No. 22517 [Reply]

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Man I'm watching the Dick Cavett interview with John Lennon and Yoko Onno and she is ugly, not too bright, and has a bad singing voice. I just think he dated and married her so he could get in arguments about people not thinking progressively, you know just how today do much the same.

Anonymous 22/07/24(Sun)05:35 No. 22541

That is a very interesting question, up there with "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?"

Anonymous 23/08/21(Mon)20:50 No. 22735

She made good music and had a fun personality. Simple as.

Anonymous 24/04/21(Sun)12:46 No. 22807


Wait, Yoko One made good music? Her music was a crime against humanity.

Anonymous 23/07/20(Thu)21:23 No. 22728 [Reply]

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>Be me, haven't gone to the cinema in years
>New Nolan movie coming out, whynot.exe
>See group of men in their early 30s walking in with weirdly bulky jackets and awkwardly stuffed sleeves.
>They strut in like they're in Reservoir Dogs or something.
>Can't help but notice they all have one floppy arm
>Starting to smell something odd, like a mix between salami and desperation.
>For whatever reason, they have gloves on. It's summer. Indoors.
>Realization hits, those idiots have sandwiches in their sleeves.
>Seriously who does this?
>They sit down, attempting to act casual
>Start smirking and winking at each other
>One of them drops a piece of lettuce on the floor, tries to kick it under the seat.
>It sticks to his shoe.
>Can't even focus on the movie anymore, keep glancing over them taking bites of their sandwiches
>Finally, the movie ends. They stand up, bits of bread crumbs falling from their sleeves.
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Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:43 No. 22779

Your biggest mistake was going to see a Hack Nolan movie

what do you think about ai music? ANXIOUSMOON 24/04/08(Mon)20:44 No. 22804 [Reply]

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i liked it, this is the first channel i saw that uses it, if you know more, send pls

its incredible how the ai now can make a completely song, with almost real voices

Elvira mistress of the dark Anonymous 24/01/31(Wed)21:40 No. 22785 [Reply]

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Seeing this as a kid was something else

Anonymous 24/01/31(Wed)21:46 No. 22786

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Anonymous 24/03/27(Wed)03:04 No. 22803

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I saw this on regular tv.

Lynch Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:44 No. 22780 [Reply]

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In this thread we talk about the greatest filmmaker of all time. The Great David Lynch

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Anonymous 24/01/25(Thu)12:43 No. 22783

No, Lynch just makes great movies

Anonymous 24/03/16(Sat)20:33 No. 22800

Dune 1984 is star wars on acid

Anonymous 24/03/18(Mon)07:56 No. 22801

No it isn't

Anonymous 22/08/06(Sat)23:20 No. 22552 [Reply]

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Jessie...we need to cameo

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Anonymous 22/08/07(Sun)18:56 No. 22555

Don't you mean Mr. White?

Anonymous 24/01/24(Wed)14:48 No. 22781

Breaking Fad sucks

Anonymous 24/01/30(Tue)09:49 No. 22784

Truth. I used to like this shit cause it passed the time but it really wasn't all that good when I rewatched some it a decade later. Sopranos is way better as its a lot funnier and quote worthy. Vince gilligan is a massive cuck anyway.

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