Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
File 165982085686.jpg - (45.80KB , 1240x930 , 8C8952203-130911-ent-saulgoodman-hmed.jpg )
Jessie...we need to cameo
File 165982218699.jpg - (103.23KB , 1248x698 , jesse.jpg )
>>22552 yo yo yo mr bitch! saul says we need a cameo
>>22553 Don't you mean Mr. White?
Breaking Fad sucks
>>22781 Truth. I used to like this shit cause it passed the time but it really wasn't all that good when I rewatched some it a decade later. Sopranos is way better as its a lot funnier and quote worthy. Vince gilligan is a massive cuck anyway.