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UNIVERSE OF COMICS Jack Kirby 15/03/29(Sun)13:32 No. 24237 [Reply]

File 142762873156.jpg - (37.54KB , 325x473 , GRAVATAR.jpg )

I invite you to visit my blog comic, UNIVERSE OF COMICS, With over 5,000 comics ready for download, visit it and enjoy it ...

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Anonymous 24/09/08(Sun)22:44 No. 27107

I improved Super Mario RPG's script:


Anonymous 25/01/06(Mon)00:32 No. 27261

When your magnum opus almost kills your career https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkkKPIqgXIw

Anonymous 25/02/05(Wed)09:25 No. 27331

>>27261 Marvel built a billion-dollar empire on the backs of legendary superheroes like the Humans with eX-tra power aka X-men, Fantastic Four and The Avengers—but what if we told you the man behind these iconic creations, Jack Kirby, was cut out of the fortune and the credit?

Anonymous 17/05/30(Tue)05:43 No. 25117 [Reply]

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Strength or power, who wins?
He man is"the most powerful Man in the universe" Hill strongest there is.
Which is superior, per our strength?

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Anonymous 23/05/20(Sat)09:55 No. 26489

File 168456932363.jpg - (626.09KB , 1045x667 , He-Man ambushes Hulk by artist Israel S_ Algarin (.jpg )

From blue pencil sketch to a PC colored version, of He-Man attacking the Hulk!

Artist:Israel S. Algarin (All)

Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)18:58 No. 27269

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>>25975 Heel-turn speaks out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R496UardECM

Anonymous 25/02/01(Sat)17:47 No. 27327

>>25803 Goodbye, John Erwin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq6JZm-WAv4

Star Wars comics Anonymous 22/08/23(Tue)18:23 No. 26279 [Reply]

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1977-2022...Marvel at Star Wars 45th anniversary!

Back in May 25th, 1977, "a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away", a movie arrived in theaters
that changed the world...."Star Wars".

Soon after, came the comic book adaptation from Marvel Comics (then, later, Dark Horse Comics, and then back to Marvel!).

Let's look back at these comics!

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Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:10 No. 27315

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Star Wars Classroom

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:13 No. 27316

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Star Wars Craft

Anonymous 25/01/31(Fri)16:43 No. 27324

>>26279 15 more amazing facts bbout Marvel's Star Wars comics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qtzgtBmQsRo

616 Marvel Universe day celebration! Anonymous 23/06/17(Sat)10:02 No. 26512 [Reply]

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1983 was the year that writer Alan Moore put the designation '616' of the mainstream Marvel Earth into print, in Marvel UK's THE DAREDEVILS #7

HOWEVER, it was the writer Dave Thorpe who ORIGINATED the designation and with it the confirmation that the mainstream Marvel Universe is but one universe in a bigger multiverse.

Within the Captain Britain story, this issue makes the first ever reference to Earth-616, the primary Marvel Universe. Saturnyne refers to Captain Britain as being from Earth-616 in order to differentiate him from other members of the Captain Britain Corps.
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 25/01/06(Mon)15:49 No. 27264

>>26967 This is the complete timeline of when characters like Spider-man, X-men (Humans wit eX-tra power), Fantastic Four, Hulk and Iron Man left Marvel Studios and how they eventually came back. These are the different licensing deals between companies like Disney, Sony Pictures, 20th Century Fox and Universal Pictures.

>>27176 This is every Marvel licensing deals explained (including Sony and Spider-man) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7FsClZtObI

Anonymous 25/01/23(Thu)00:05 No. 27300

>>27176 Media call for FULL Marvel Comics reboot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW81og7u580

Anonymous 25/01/31(Fri)16:20 No. 27323

>>27300 Marvel's future after Avengers Secret Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0uelrFw7oU

Marvel comics' X-men (Humans with eX-tra power) Anonymous 23/11/13(Mon)16:04 No. 26633 [Reply]

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1963 (cover date of September) was the year of the debut of the strangest super-heroes of all!

The X-men are a superhero team who appeared SIMULTANEOUSLEY with the Avengers (another superhero team) in the 616 Marvel Universe.

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Anonymous 24/04/24(Wed)21:22 No. 26860

>>26635 Designing Quicksilver for Humans with eX-tra power aka X-men '97! || speedpaint + commentary

Anonymous 24/12/24(Tue)06:39 No. 27231

Jim Lee’s X-Men: Bin Diving https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhMJyckyRbE

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)10:30 No. 27321

Tales of Suspense #49 (Iron Man Angel crossover) comic reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wbvie-3Faks

Marvel comics' Avengers Anonymous 23/11/13(Mon)16:03 No. 26632 [Reply]

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1963 (cover date of September) was the year of the debut of earth's mightiest super-heroes!

The Avengers are a superhero team who appeared SIMULTANEOUSLEY with the X-men (another superhero team) in the 616 Marvel Universe.

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Anonymous 24/04/24(Wed)21:22 No. 26859

Captain America returns and meets Rogue in marvel animation's Humans with eX-tra power aka X-men '97 Episode 7!

Anonymous 24/12/24(Tue)06:38 No. 27230

Avengers Save Christmas! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnmYJoIriy0

Anonymous 25/01/30(Thu)10:30 No. 27320

Tales of Suspense #48 (Iron Man story) comic reading https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7SDj5Us_qo

Dork Diaries Anonymous 22/02/01(Tue)04:44 No. 25928 [Reply]

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Does anyone else here really like Dork Diaries? It is like Diary of a Whimpy Kid, but it has more appeal for adults and anime fans. It is about the adventures of Nikki Maxwell in middle school. There is even a spoiled alpha rich girl Mackenzie Hollister frenemy character.

The 15th book in the series. "Tales from a not so Posh Paris Adventure" was supposed to come out, but it just kept getting pushed forward during COVID, and it still isn't out

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Anonymous 22/07/08(Fri)18:22 No. 26140

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I haven't ever know this until now
but she is cute

Anonymous 23/12/03(Sun)19:39 No. 26655

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NEW COZY WINTER DORK MAKER https://dorkdiaries.com/2023/12/new-cozy-winter-dork-maker/

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:30 No. 27317

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Mackenzie being soo good at yoga

Anonymous 20/12/17(Thu)03:12 No. 25793 [Reply]

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Well you guessed the hint

Its Krogzilla

Share the adventure with your friends and family


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Anonymous 22/06/03(Fri)16:35 No. 26088

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: CORY EDWARDS CREATOR OF “KROGZILLA GETS A JOB” https://www.bubbleblabber.com/exclusive-interview-cory-edwards-creator-of-krogzilla-gets-a-job/

Anonymous 23/08/06(Sun)11:28 No. 26536

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Krogzilla by JohnDeereand

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)18:03 No. 27314

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Character designs for "KROGZILLA Gets A Job" web series by Kyle Remington Walsh

Deathlok, the Demolisher Anonymous 24/12/29(Sun)14:51 No. 27255 [Reply]

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Cyborg-like characters in comic books are a dime-a-dozen, especially after the Image Comics revolution.

From the Robocop wannabes to every possible man-machine interface permutation, cyborgs are a natural addition to every team formation. While DC Comics’ Teen Titans and Justice League member Cyborg is the only one who actually calls himself “Cyborg”, there were other cyborg-like characters before Victor Stone.

One of those that came way before Cyborg’s first appearance in 1980 was Marvel Comics’ Deathlok, who was introduced in 1974 via the pages of Astonishing Tales #25.

While he may seem somewhat gruesome thanks to his half-zombie look caused by his cybernetic implants, his abilities are akin to RoboCop’s, with the mechanical and cyber implants in his armour making him super strong. One major difference from RoboCop is Deathlok's agility and reflexes, which are augmented by his computer brain.

Deathlok has been around for half a century now, though sadly, he has been little more than a bucket of bolts being passed around a few Marvel books and events.

Half the Man(ning) Anonymous 24/12/29(Sun)14:58 No. 27256

Created by Rich Buckler, Deathlok the Demolisher was Colonel Luther Manning, a fatally injured American soldier who was resurrected in a post-apocalyptic future (circa 1990s) by Simon Ryker, a US army scientist who wanted to create the perfect cyborg soldier.

Assisted by a symbiotic computer aka “Puter”, Manning eventually managed to escape Ryker’s control.

Anonymous 24/12/29(Sun)15:00 No. 27257

While Manning spent a huge part of his stint time-travelling, he was practically “floating” around the Marvel Universe, jumping from one title to another, while making multiple guest appearances.

His most notable appearances were on the pages of Astonishing Tales (#25-#28, #30-#36), Marvel Team Up #46 and a three-parter with Captain America (#286-#288).

Sadly, Deathlok’s first appearance (Astonishing Tales #25) will always be remembered for the fact that it was also the late great artist George Pérez’s first comic book work.

Anonymous 25/01/29(Wed)17:54 No. 27312

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>>27256 Deathlok would give Brainiac more trouble than most heroes.

Your Favorite 90s Cartoon Anonymous 16/01/16(Sat)01:11 No. 24382 [Reply]

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What is your favorite 90s cartoon /co/??.

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Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)19:52 No. 27272

>>25750 And 2025 will be the 35th anniversary.

Anonymous 25/01/17(Fri)08:12 No. 27292

Looking back, RUGRATS was one of the greatest.


Captain Planet and the Planeteers comic book series! Anonymous 25/01/22(Wed)23:45 No. 27299

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>>27272 Just in time for the 35th anniversary of the cartoon series in 2025 https://comicbook.com/comics/news/captain-planet-dynamite-series-announcement/

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