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616 Marvel Universe day celebration! Anonymous 23/06/17(Sat)10:02 No. 26512 [Reply]

File 168698892478.jpg - (301.77KB , 1025x1427 , 1983 drdvls007 page 9.jpg )

1983 was the year that writer Alan Moore put the designation '616' of the mainstream Marvel Earth into print, in Marvel UK's THE DAREDEVILS #7

HOWEVER, it was the writer Dave Thorpe who ORIGINATED the designation and with it the confirmation that the mainstream Marvel Universe is but one universe in a bigger multiverse.

Within the Captain Britain story, this issue makes the first ever reference to Earth-616, the primary Marvel Universe. Saturnyne refers to Captain Britain as being from Earth-616 in order to differentiate him from other members of the Captain Britain Corps.
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Anonymous 23/06/17(Sat)10:18 No. 26515

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Cap, who has been restrained thanks to his big mouth, breaks free and starts a fight.

Script by Alan Moore, art by Alan Davis

Anonymous 24/06/16(Sun)22:29 No. 26967

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>>26513 Happy 616 Mainstream Marvel Universe Day!

Anonymous 24/11/16(Sat)20:51 No. 27176

>>26967 The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition Vol. 1

B.L.A.C.K. in Comics and Cartoons Anonymous 24/02/28(Wed)09:19 No. 26759 [Reply]

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Anonymous 24/09/19(Thu)10:35 No. 27116

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>>26827 Humans with eXtra Power aka X-men '97: former showrunner Beau DeMayo claims Marvel pushed back against darkening Storm And Sunspot's skin https://comicbookmovie.com/x_men/x_men-97/x-men-97-former-showrunner-beau-demayo-claims-marvel-pushed-back-against-darkening-storm-and-sunspots-skin-a213209#gs.fdylxk

Anonymous 24/10/22(Tue)16:28 No. 27147

>>26938 THE BLACK SECRET WARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xt_zdm-Qs8k

Anonymous 24/11/14(Thu)00:35 No. 27175

>>26938 Highs and Lows of Marvel’s 85 year history! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGWxqw5g8Wk&t=118s

Transformers: The Lost Seasons Anonymous 22/06/02(Thu)21:02 No. 26063 [Reply]

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From the original cartoon to Beast Wars, Beast Machines and beyond; filling the holes left in the G1 cartoon continuity, the missing years... The Lost Seasons.

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Anonymous 24/09/29(Sun)15:44 No. 27131

>>26386 Elita-1/Ariel Transformers Generation 1 Scenepack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgBL6sUUM6E

Anonymous 24/10/05(Sat)15:36 No. 27138

>>26821 The Transformers: The Battle For Cybertron - Full Audiobook [TRANSFORMERS 40TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SEgWWxEO08

Transformers ReAnimated Anonymous 24/11/10(Sun)18:40 No. 27172

Based on the original cartoon series, The Transformers: ReAnimated,
bridges the gap between the end of the seminal second season and the 1986 Movie
that defined the childhood of millions

Suicidal Anonymous 24/11/05(Tue)03:55 No. 27166 [Reply]

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Post suicidal characters.

Anonymous 18/11/12(Mon)21:17 No. 25381 [Reply]

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The last of the greats, and someone who helped shape my childhood, is gone. Go in peace, Stan. Excelsior!

18 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/03/16(Sat)19:36 No. 26802

Stan Lee VOICE RECORDING SESSION - "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cr2OPqsrVw

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)20:19 No. 27003

>>26518 Stan Lee has always been an inspiration to the public as the man who built Marvel from the ground up.
While that is partially true, the full truth is that he didn't get there without making a few enemies

Anonymous 24/11/03(Sun)23:07 No. 27165

Stan Lee's secrets to success https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v26N0xgK8I

Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)07:04 No. 25346 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Why is he so Amazing?

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Anonymous 24/06/06(Thu)08:51 No. 26943

Basically this

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)17:37 No. 27163

>>26781 Today comic writer & artist Steve Ditko would have been 97! https://www.youtube.com/shorts/G-W9yxBF8pE

Anonymous 24/11/02(Sat)22:44 No. 27164

>>27163 Steve Ditko A BIRTHDAY SALUTE in 13 COVERS AND PAGES…https://13thdimension.com/the-acrobatic-antics-of-steve-ditkos-brilliant-blue-beetle/

Princess Adora as Despara commits atrocities. How to redeem her: SHE-RA ! Anonymous 13/04/03(Wed)21:09 No. 23511 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Notice the sadness in Adora's face?
Masters Of The Universe 8 reveals that Adora, now Despara, is a lethal weapon in the service of evil! This means a great deal. This young beautiful girl is deprived of her true calling; a heroin who is meant to represent hope and inspire good. The Horde is to be despised for making her a villainess who ignites despair and enforces evil. As a reader I rejoice in Adora's yearning for a better life. I read it as a sub-conscious expression of weeping for being kept from what she was truly destined to be and being forced to endure this nightmare of a life. Adora must be freed from the Horde and be allowed to choose the kind of life she wants to lead. I am grateful that Despara is covered from head-to-toe. Adora (and her face) should be engaging opponents as a warrior for GOOD and not evil! The bond and friendship with her steed Spirit, can be given more weight to. They can encourage each other to always strive to do good because the guilt of committing horrible acts under Horde-control hangs heavy on them. Also, their desires to be (and stay as long as possible) She-Ra and Swift Wind is great because these are identities that are used in the service of good and have not, in the past, been used for acts of evil! The short-haired Adora can be transformed into the long-haired She-Ra. To have Adora's hair, height, mass, clothes and voice change when she transforms into She-Ra makes for a much better secret identity (a dark tan like He-Man got in the cartoon when Prince Adam turned into him, would also be nice).

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Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)18:54 No. 27160


Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)18:56 No. 27161


Anonymous 24/10/31(Thu)18:57 No. 27162


Anonymous 22/07/25(Mon)12:32 No. 26164 [Reply]

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Setup for MCU Phase 5 and 6 is bullshit! Also, please let MCU die after Secret Wars.

We are tired of capeshit which is more oversaturated and western films.

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Anonymous 24/04/28(Sun)12:03 No. 26873

>>26414 ONLY Deadpool & Wolverine in 2024.


Anonymous 24/06/22(Sat)12:42 No. 26969

This makes me cry.

Anonymous 24/10/22(Tue)22:18 No. 27148

>>26414 MCU Blade Movie DELAYED INDEFINITELY‼️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbGqCvMZaPk

Timmy Turner wishes 24/10/13(Sun)03:00 No. 27141 [Reply]

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Which of all of them would you like to wish for in your life?

I mean,the ones he asked for on the show, not the ones you want.

"Clan of the Fiery Cross" Anonymous 13/07/30(Tue)07:49 No. 23633 [Reply]

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Superman is my new hero. He kicks the KKK's ass and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Anonymous 23/08/05(Sat)19:26 No. 26534

His archnemesis steals cakes and that's cool

Anonymous 24/04/28(Sun)11:59 No. 26872

>>25423 The story behind the Donner Cut of Superman 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyCxpLq5oxo

Anonymous 24/09/17(Tue)10:28 No. 27114

>>25441 Superman vs. the KKK Podcast details history of iconic radio storyline with a twist https://comicbook.com/dc/news/superman-vs-the-kkk-podcast-details-history-of-iconic-radio-storyline-with-a-twist/

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