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The invincible Iron Man: secret id Tony Stark / James Rhodes Anonymous 23/03/13(Mon)15:46 No. 26458 [Reply]

File 167871876872.jpg - (294.65KB , 400x1220 , Tales of Suspense 039 march 1963 - Iron Man 170 m.jpg )

60 years ago Tony Stark debuts as the secret id of Iron Man

40 years ago James Rhodes becomes the new secret identity of Iron Man

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Anonymous 23/10/07(Sat)13:16 No. 26581

Iron Man 167-170 James Rhodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UiNZufB6Mw

Anonymous 24/05/16(Thu)17:54 No. 26905

RDJ Redefined Iron Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3g1c0QBXldY

Anonymous 24/12/17(Tue)23:33 No. 27215

Complete Iron Man (1994) Animated Series Explored -
Electrifying And Futuristic Tony Stark From 90s!


MOTHERFUCKING TMNT Anonymous 11/02/20(Sun)12:43 No. 14298 [Reply]

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http://www.mediafire.com/?mvzhyownzzj Book I
http://www.mediafire.com/?mnnjm0dnmtm Book II
http://www.mediafire.com/?zmynlognygn Book III
http://www.mediafire.com/?zjzlzmzbjju Book IV

This is the first 11 issues or so, plus extra shorter shorties, in color. This is where it all started. If this goes over well I'll post more.

47 posts and 14 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/07/13(Sat)22:51 No. 27039

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants Unleashed - Official Announcement Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQCUv5KpGgw

Anonymous 24/07/28(Sun)08:42 No. 27065

>>27038 Kevin Eastman Rates 40 Years Of His Favorite TMNT Lineups https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRiTI6Y-05Q

Anonymous 24/12/01(Sun)02:15 No. 27196

>>23365 The Ninja Turtles' Spiritual War to Save Reptilian Kind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n6QvfpcJ2o

Were the FG writers projecting with this episode? Anonymous 23/09/13(Wed)01:40 No. 26561 [Reply]

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Between the "fat sex is the hottest sex" line and Peter force(?) feeding Lois, I'd say Seth MacFarlane is a closet chubby chaser

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Anonymous 24/04/21(Sun)13:20 No. 26848

Seth MacFarlane and the 'Family Guy' cast reflect on 25 years

Anonymous 24/07/14(Sun)08:38 No. 27041

Family Guy 25th Anniversary Celebration at PaleyFest LA 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZeXaGrVF3k

Anonymous 24/11/26(Tue)12:19 No. 27183

The Real Life Peter Griffin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5tTyd90iRA&list=PLtvkkYs7oYfEduBQK-K2zlBLYQgEJqW4f

Captain Marvel who's secret identity is Billy Batson Anonymous 13/06/29(Sat)00:03 No. 23609 [Reply]

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“It’s just such a great idea – you say a magic word, and suddenly you can fly, and bullets will bounce off you. Just a really, simple, great concept.

“I think the key is that magic word, ‘Shazam.’ Magic words are something that go back in fiction, back to myths and legends and The Arabian Nights. It’s just something that resonates for us, I think. And it’s such a good magic word – it sounds like ‘Alakazam.’

“Even Gomer Pyle was saying it. Dave Chappelle was saying it on his show. I’ve heard it in rap videos. Everyone knows what it means, it’s ‘Shazam!’ It’s the transformation into something else, like ‘Let’s go!’ It’s a call to action.

“And the costume – the red outfit with the lightning bolt. How many times in our lifetime have we seen generic parody superheroes, whether in an advertisement or anywhere, with a lightning bolt on their costume? The lightning bolt has almost become the generic symbol for a superhero, and it has its roots in Captain Marvel.”

39 posts and 34 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/02/29(Thu)16:29 No. 26764

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>>24441 Happy birthday Captain Marvel and
>>24638 Anonymous!

Anonymous 24/02/29(Thu)16:34 No. 26766

>>26601 Happy Birthday Mary Marvel!
(Captain Marvel's twin sister!)

Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)07:16 No. 27182

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Untold Tales #651 Superman, Batman, Bulletman, and Captain Marvel

>>23631 Why have one superhero guarding a city when you can have four? Man, that place is going to be so smug . . .

Two and a half Marvels! Anonymous 22/06/01(Wed)19:22 No. 26044 [Reply]

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2023 will be a celebration of 15 years of the CURRENT Marvel Cinematic Universe, spearheaded by Ms. Marvel, Vers and Captain Marvel!

23 posts and 18 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/10/22(Sun)21:19 No. 26600

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and red-gold-blue Vers. In the comics Binary FALL 1982 debuts after Captain Marvel SUMMER 1982,
who herself debuts after Ms. Marvel 1977.

Anonymous 24/02/29(Thu)16:31 No. 26765

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>>26599 Captain Marvel Monica honored by Maria Rambeau in live action
>>26600 Binary Carol honored by Maria Rambeau in live action

Anonymous 24/11/25(Mon)07:16 No. 27181

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Untold Tales #473 Justice League Europe and Captain Marvel

>>26599 Much as I liked the original JUSTICE LEAGUE EUROPE series, I think they can stand to have a bit more firepower on the roster.

Timmy Turner wishes 24/10/13(Sun)03:00 No. 27141 [Reply]

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Which of all of them would you like to wish for in your life?

I mean,the ones he asked for on the show, not the ones you want.

"Clan of the Fiery Cross" Anonymous 13/07/30(Tue)07:49 No. 23633 [Reply]

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Superman is my new hero. He kicks the KKK's ass and doesn't afraid of anything.

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Anonymous 23/08/05(Sat)19:26 No. 26534

His archnemesis steals cakes and that's cool

Anonymous 24/04/28(Sun)11:59 No. 26872

>>25423 The story behind the Donner Cut of Superman 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IyCxpLq5oxo

Anonymous 24/09/17(Tue)10:28 No. 27114

>>25441 Superman vs. the KKK Podcast details history of iconic radio storyline with a twist https://comicbook.com/dc/news/superman-vs-the-kkk-podcast-details-history-of-iconic-radio-storyline-with-a-twist/

Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)19:31 No. 25939 [Reply]

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Tryin to write my first comic, a one sot of sort... how do i write so i can expect
enough sales to maybe run it regularly?

I wanna write like a few season of the same thing

5 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/04/29(Sat)10:00 No. 26475

Do snappy short stories first.

Anonymous 24/08/29(Thu)20:03 No. 27092

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>>26475 And one-page gag stories

Anonymous 24/09/08(Sun)22:46 No. 27108

Write a sequel to SOnichu

Anonymous 24/07/01(Mon)00:04 No. 27000 [Reply]

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Anybody here tried Royal Crackers? I hope for a 3rd season so badly. I absolutely loved the fungus monster conspiracy episode.

Anonymous 24/06/20(Thu)15:28 No. 26968 [Reply]

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So what do you guys think about dinosaurs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y21M2DK-X2A

Anonymous 24/06/22(Sat)12:49 No. 26972

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I <3 dinosaurs

Anonymous 24/06/25(Tue)21:56 No. 26984

they exist(ed)
very cool

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