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, 1970s PM&IF Heroes for Hire.jpg
Do you have problems that only a superhero can solve? Or, are you a street level superhero needing a little extra cash to pay the bills? If so, then Heroes for Hire has what you need. Heroes for Hire Incorporated is the world's first company devoted to providing superhuman services to the public, we have a roster of full and part time heroes who are ready to help 24/7. You can either come to our offices in LA and Brooklyn, or, call our toll free number 1-800-555-HIRE.
For supers looking to join bring what you've got down to one of our offices for try-outs. If you make the cut then you can either join the team full time or if you have other commitments have your contact info on file and work for us when we need you or when you need a little extra scratch to pay the bills. Fair warning though, nut-jobs, fakes and villains need not apply.