Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.
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This show can last years with out of context stuff
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That one time the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles got Hitler to kill himself.
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Courtesy of Preacher.
Nextwave is a goldmine. I recommend it to anyone who likes comics that don't take themselves seriously.
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>>25458 Sorry, but one of them is a fake.
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>>25459 Oh well, but it's still pretty funny.
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>>25463 >funny I think your heart isn't in it!
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>>25471 >I think your heart isn't in it!
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>>25473 Hard to swallow it, isn't it?
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I lol'd
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>>25484 Fisto "I'd sure like to fist him!" Infamous Kevin Smith line from MOTU:R episode "Cleaved in Twain"
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>>25764 In the all-new Marvel Cinematic Universe (after Avengers: Secret Wars) the cowl-mask-wearing-Hawkeye is to have Tigra as his teammate on whatever superhero team.
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