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Princess Adora as Despara commits atrocities. How to redeem her: SHE-RA ! Anonymous 13/04/03(Wed)21:09 No. 23511 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Notice the sadness in Adora's face?
Masters Of The Universe 8 reveals that Adora, now Despara, is a lethal weapon in the service of evil! This means a great deal. This young beautiful girl is deprived of her true calling; a heroin who is meant to represent hope and inspire good. The Horde is to be despised for making her a villainess who ignites despair and enforces evil. As a reader I rejoice in Adora's yearning for a better life. I read it as a sub-conscious expression of weeping for being kept from what she was truly destined to be and being forced to endure this nightmare of a life. Adora must be freed from the Horde and be allowed to choose the kind of life she wants to lead. I am grateful that Despara is covered from head-to-toe. Adora (and her face) should be engaging opponents as a warrior for GOOD and not evil! The bond and friendship with her steed Spirit, can be given more weight to. They can encourage each other to always strive to do good because the guilt of committing horrible acts under Horde-control hangs heavy on them. Also, their desires to be (and stay as long as possible) She-Ra and Swift Wind is great because these are identities that are used in the service of good and have not, in the past, been used for acts of evil! The short-haired Adora can be transformed into the long-haired She-Ra. To have Adora's hair, height, mass, clothes and voice change when she transforms into She-Ra makes for a much better secret identity (a dark tan like He-Man got in the cartoon when Prince Adam turned into him, would also be nice).

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Anonymous 25/01/25(Sat)15:15 No. 27305

>>27281 correction: The UNofficial Masters of the Universe Biography of: Catra

2025 marks the 40th anniversary of She-ra: Princess of Power Anonymous 25/01/25(Sat)15:30 No. 27306

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>>27140 She-ra POP, the best 80s Female action hero ever? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkAauTiPHcc

Anonymous 25/02/16(Sun)09:33 No. 27364

>>26928 cereal:geek TV - Remembering JOHN ERWIN! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hdZIKFetLA

B.L.A.C.K. in Comics and Cartoons Anonymous 24/02/28(Wed)09:19 No. 26759 [Reply]

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Anonymous 25/02/12(Wed)12:59 No. 27356

Uhm Captain America is BLACK and has WINGS

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)11:29 No. 27360

>>27201 Mighty Man, the human law-enforcing dynamo,
was one of many attempts to quell resistance and protest in the 1970s

Exitamos Los Araneaverse ReverseFlash//C\\: Fail Ronald 25/02/16(Sun)00:16 No. 27363

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People like you are the reason no one can unironically use a vorpal blade in an aniMEME.

Anti-heros? Anonymous 18/10/15(Mon)05:49 No. 25331 [Reply]

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>Favorite anti-hero
Pic related

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Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)09:38 No. 27357

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I hate vigilantes....

wtf that post signifies @thewolf-theram-thehart 25/02/14(Fri)19:34 No. 27361

Captain Assyria using Cable to warn Steve about Red Skull pink texting into becoming Onslaught would be a fine fuck the established homo genome order moment.
Sherbet colored dialogue boxes with superimposed Mesopotamic languages in the bubble? Next you'll give Captain Black Star a narrarator. It's because...

Ur dad is a genetic car salesman. A liar. A truthful cad. Dan in the White House. Check [these] doubles!

Spanish @thewolf-theram-thehart 25/02/14(Fri)20:27 No. 27362

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We're not playing baseball anymore Mefo.

Marvel comics' Defenders Anonymous 25/02/04(Tue)10:56 No. 27328 [Reply]

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The debut of the Defenders came in the first issue of Marvel Feature in 1971, although that story — aptly titled “The Day of the Defenders!” — was actually the third teaming of the founding members of the group, who in comic book mythology were the Sub-mariner, Doctor Strange and the Hulk.

If that seemed like an unlikely group of heroes, things only got stranger with the addition of the Silver Surfer and Asgardian warrior the Valkyrie in early adventures, creating a framework of a series based around a superhero group that makes no sense together — or, as Marvel called it at the time, a “non-team”.

Anonymous 25/02/04(Tue)10:57 No. 27329

What is the point of Dr. Strange? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tSyp6sCs7I

Anonymous 25/02/04(Tue)11:04 No. 27330

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FEBRUARY is Dr. Strange and the Defenders time

Anonymous 25/02/14(Fri)11:24 No. 27359

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Have a smashing Valentine´s Day

Anonymous 17/05/22(Mon)10:57 No. 25108 [Reply]

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Batman is a much better than character than Superman. I understand that Superman's main appeal is that he is a perfect man and his goody persona is heartwarming. But this can only go so far until it gets boring. Batman on the other hand is a self made hero that has many flaws to make him an intriguing complex character. This is because Bruce knows if he gives up being Batman he will find happiness but his vengeance is what drives him. Also I dont know why anyone would root for Superman to beat Batman in a fight. Superman beating Batman is something very realistic and predictable. Watching a god pummel a man dressed as a bat isnt something that would be interesting in a comic book setting. Rather the underdog and the one that relies on brains instead of brawn should be the victor. I am not a batfag, I just know that Batman is a superior character to Superman.

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Anonymous 23/12/03(Sun)01:36 No. 26653

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>>26058 Else a based list for 2024

Anonymous 24/12/21(Sat)21:45 No. 27222

>>25354 Superman’ Trailer Launches to ‘Over 250 Million Views’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YA2VFBG_oHY

Anonymous 25/02/13(Thu)09:42 No. 27358

I have no faith in James Gunn's SUPERMAN

Cerebus the Aardvark Anonymous 18/07/11(Wed)19:59 No. 25259 [Reply]

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Anonymous 24/03/09(Sat)10:31 No. 26782

>>25259 Now in March 2024, 20 YEARS have gone bye since the end of the comic book series Cerebus the Aardvark, created by Canadian cartoonist Dave Sim, which ran from December 1977 until March 2004.

Anonymous 24/05/30(Thu)18:29 No. 26929

Cerebus: Mothers & Daughters (Issues 151-200) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOf3edYY6jk

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)20:25 No. 27354

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Cerebus and the white glowie strange thing, talk

Animated Series Topsters Anonymous 22/12/30(Fri)14:03 No. 26424 [Reply]

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>Family Guy (S2, S3)
>Futurama (S1, S2, S3)
>Star Trek: The Animated Series
>Scooby Doo: Where Are You

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Anonymous 25/01/08(Wed)10:50 No. 27268

>>26687 WBD & Disney only publish Marvel & DC comic
books to preserve trademarks For IPs, NOT stories...


These days it's all about licensing & merchandising.

Anonymous 25/01/17(Fri)14:59 No. 27295

>>26687 Walt Disney is back...and he's not happy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBU4Mvbw0jo

Anonymous 25/02/11(Tue)19:59 No. 27352

>>26946 Marvel-Disney statement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghHc9V7FyJ0

Your Favorite Cartoon Growing Up Yourgay!!OxAzMwZTMv 12/03/25(Sun)05:19 No. 22671 [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]

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Mine was He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. What was your's /co/?

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Anonymous 25/02/09(Sun)08:24 No. 27343

I didn't even realize auto-rocket was a joke and Raymundo was like Johnny Bravo with a retard helmet.

Anonymous 25/02/09(Sun)08:25 No. 27344

I always thought that was the lamest show. But Amy is funny :3

Captain Ginyu 25/02/09(Sun)08:27 No. 27346

Best poser gets a candy

Anonymous 18/10/22(Mon)07:04 No. 25346 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Why is he so Amazing?

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Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)15:20 No. 27334

>>27289 What Happened to 1977 The Amazing Spider-Man TV series? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXLVIPFc9d0

Anonymous 25/02/07(Fri)15:29 No. 27335

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The amazing Spider-man and Darkman

Anonymous 25/02/09(Sun)08:07 No. 27341

Because of Batman.

Comics based on television shows Anonymous 22/06/03(Fri)13:14 No. 26082 [Reply]

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In modern Hollywood, studios look to the comic book industry for ideas. It used to be the other way around.

Here is a list:

24: Legacy
The Adventures of Puss in Boots
The A-Team
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
Adventure Time
Angel Cop
Æon Flux
Alfred J. Kwak
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Anonymous 24/05/13(Mon)21:03 No. 26900

You're right about the annual edition, it's all about milking something for all it's worth.

Anonymous 24/12/22(Sun)11:33 No. 27227

>>26537 This Changed The Whole Show! Battlestar Galactica https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpqnyDKRFmQ

Anonymous 25/02/06(Thu)20:09 No. 27332

Pamela Hayden has likely appeared in your living room over the past 35 years as a key player in the Simpson's TV series.

If her name doesn’t ring a bell, perhaps you recognise her as Janey, Rod, Jimbo or Milhouse

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