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Salute Captain America Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)20:16 No. 26136

File 165695861423.jpg - (358.79KB , 1200x868 , TOHOTMU #2 Captain America entry.jpg )

July 4th is Steve Rogers' birthday!

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)20:19 No. 26137

"It's the 4th of July and Marvel fans are celebrating the occasion by not only showing love to America, but to the superhero icon that embodies it: Captain America.
Social media is lighting up with fans wishing Steve Rogers a happy birthday
– to all the best versions of the character, in the most creative of ways."

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)20:21 No. 26138

I can do this all day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhog9gTSC_A&t=1845s

Anonymous 22/07/04(Mon)20:37 No. 26139

Steve Rogers transformation Scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F-BqSjtMBA

Anonymous 23/07/04(Tue)17:30 No. 26522

>>26137 Captain America Deserves a 4th of July Holiday Special https://movieweb.com/captain-america-4th-of-july-holiday-special/

Anonymous 23/07/05(Wed)06:00 No. 26525

File 168852961094.jpg - (109.45KB , 535x508 , 1673116339675286.jpg )

Mark Gruenwald Captain is best Captain

Anonymous 24/01/08(Mon)14:42 No. 26694

>>26139 Russo Brothers CONFIRM Where Steve Rogers is - But are they Lying?

Anonymous 24/04/30(Tue)10:11 No. 26875

File 171446467951.jpg - (103.50KB , 600x428 , 1981 Rogue vs_ Cap.jpg )

Humans with eX-tra power aka X-men '97 Does NOT Understand Captain America...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wahmmqlWgrk

Fourth of July Special! 4 Great Captain America Comics Anonymous 24/07/04(Thu)15:16 No. 27011

>>26137 "Today I'm celebrating the Fourth of July with 4 Great Captain America Comics!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isgV2VJplGs

Anonymous 24/12/18(Wed)13:53 No. 27218

>>26525 You probably know CAPTAIN AMERICA (1990) as the "WORST SUPERHERO FILM OF ALL TIME!!!',
but were you aware that the picture's director, Albert Pyun, had a radically
different cut of the film that has never seen the light of day... until now?

Anonymous 24/12/21(Sat)23:59 No. 27226

>>26875 Captain America (1944) Republic Serial # 32 VHS Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=771MlJ_o1os

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