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Anonymous 22/05/15(Sun)02:45 No. 2197 ID: c53ccd [Reply]

File 165257552251.jpg - (60.71KB , 640x833 , soautocracymuchcommunism.jpg )

I have that hat.

11 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/09/26(Mon)16:38 No. 2232 ID: 352765

It's hard to go wrong if you just call them slopes or slants, because they're all like that and then you don't run the risk of causing an international outrage by pitting one tiny little race against the one next door.

Anonymous 22/09/26(Mon)16:46 No. 2233 ID: 352765

Middle eastern is a weird term. I try to avoid it because even if you say "middle eastern" is "arabian peninsula" you might still wind up inciting jihad against yourself for no reason. So I just say "ayrab" in order to assert my colonialistic tendencies, and say "central asia" in order to sound like a geopolitical expert not to be argued with.

It also helps if you namedrop Kyrgystan or something like that because most people don't know where exactly that is, and thus it puts them off balance so you can maintain the advantage.

Anonymous 22/09/27(Tue)18:40 No. 2234 ID: ac8c44

Where I grew up some used it interchangeably with "asian".

Granted, none of them understand that "Asia" is not a country.

Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)16:21 No. 2220 ID: 26b5ce [Reply]

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was he right?

Anonymous 22/08/14(Sun)16:46 No. 2221 ID: 1899ef


Anonymous 21/05/18(Tue)05:21 No. 2015 ID: 5c3e29 [Reply]

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If the US instituted heavy import tariffs based on the source country's equivalent environmental codes and practices... Maybe pride could save the world.

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Anonymous 22/04/16(Sat)13:35 No. 2194 ID: 6f8a99

Quite the opposite. He immediately shut down domestic production, just as promised on the campaign trail.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)08:11 No. 2200 ID: 7cb4c3

When this thread started, gas was 3$ a gallon

Feel old yet?

Anonymous 22/05/28(Sat)02:07 No. 2206 ID: 6f8a99

Nah gas used to be less than $1/gal when I was a new driver. I had to learn about banking and inflation on my own, of course, because obviously they can't let children learn anything useful in the public fool system.

Climate change Anonymous 21/10/22(Fri)22:11 No. 2115 ID: fae231 [Reply]

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Is bad, mmkay?

7 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/02/24(Thu)23:00 No. 2185 ID: 8bcc12

Not that Anon, but then why are they trying to re-cycle communism with thirdie romanticism for the n:th time? :-/


Anonymous 22/03/16(Wed)12:16 No. 2186 ID: 94380b


What it feels like in that picture.

Anonymous 22/03/23(Wed)02:30 No. 2190 ID: 0dbae0


Shame on you posting music only nigger faggot losers like.

Anonymous 19/08/25(Sun)11:19 No. 1658 ID: 91069d [Reply]

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You know what's hilarious? All these alt-right, build-the-wall, lock-her-up, god-emperor-drumpf faggots who immediately turn into ignorant, worthless refugees that refuse to assimilate to other cultures the moment they lose their home.

26 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/05/19(Wed)16:02 No. 2017 ID: 166371

It's one thing to be a retard, but do you have to be so smug about it?

Anonymous 21/06/01(Tue)02:18 No. 2022 ID: 9a73cc

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It's one thing for your parents to be brother and sister, but do you have to flaunt it?

Anonymous 21/11/02(Tue)07:25 No. 2123 ID: 6f8a99

Oh, I didn't realize you had TDS. I'm sorry for your loss.

Anarchist Q&A Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)01:30 No. 887 ID: c89d35 [Reply]

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(Doesn't even have to be about my politics)

I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing people over worked, over taxed, and under payed. Fire at will.

29 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 19/05/01(Wed)04:22 No. 1411 ID: b0f049

Steal the wheels off their cars.

Jackson's police department was still missing 16 wheels a couple weeks ago.

Anonymous 19/05/24(Fri)09:55 No. 1449 ID: 50b655

so not only does the ideal anarch community have to be small enough for its members to personally know each other, it is also expected to be completely autonomous and not make any contact with any other tribe, because that would require the community to be known by a particular name at least?

there are definitely still isolationist tribes of hunter-gatherers out there, particularly in South America, Africa and Oceania, but for some reason I don't think you were advocating or referring to that kind of lifestyle.

Anonymous 21/10/16(Sat)08:35 No. 2109 ID: 15483f

How's high school?

Anonymous 18/11/29(Thu)21:55 No. 1096 ID: 55c4a9 [Reply]

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Do you think in words? Do you have an inner voice or do you think in pictures or a third way?

15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/04/12(Mon)00:13 No. 2006 ID: 927070

I have both an internal monologue as well as 3d rendering capabilities. I can even emulate the personalities of entire people, to the extent of my knowledge, of course. In one moment I could be flying a mig-25 at mach 3.2, the next moment I could be having a conversation with Von Braun about rocketry advice regarding liquid propellants. Next I can shift to the middle east, where I work on advanced SAM systems to bring down israeli f-35s. If I need decision making advice, I am seated in a conference room with a dozen clones of myself, each with unique political, social, and engineering doctrines. I cannot imagine how people can be "self-aware" without at least a few of these capabilities.

Anonymous 21/04/13(Tue)06:19 No. 2007 ID: 7a132d

This is schizophrenia, anon.

Anonymous 21/04/14(Wed)23:05 No. 2008 ID: fd82e9

Nah its fine. I am referring to my "mental eye" ie internal vision.
Schizophrenia is when you imagine these things in reality, and believe they are real.

Anonymous 19/09/22(Sun)00:00 No. 1695 ID: 743e89 [Reply]

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Not every majority black and/or brown neighborhood is bad, but every bad neighborhood is majority black and/or brown.


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Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)08:54 No. 1997 ID: 7cb4c3

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I like how you had to use a picture of a puppy instead of an adult dog because white people have different hair color and you're a piece of shit, doomed by God to wallow in eternal agony

Where was I...

Have you guys ever lived in a majority black neighborhood? Will make you a complete, kill all niggers racist in one fucking week

Anonymous 21/04/08(Thu)03:24 No. 2003 ID: a7c52b

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That's a fully-grown dachshund, not a puppy. A great dane puppy looks like pic related.

And what does hair color have to do with anything? Are you okay? You sound like you've caught a bad case of complete retardation, and as a medical professional, I'm afraid it appears terminal.

Anonymous 21/04/10(Sat)08:40 No. 2004 ID: eb341a

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You have to forgive him, after he was sent to prison he got so much multiracial semen up his ass for so many years that it permanently backed up into his brain.

Now he's out and intent on taking revenge in the most idiotic manner possible - writing barely legible screeds on 7chan.

Anonymous 19/02/24(Sun)07:37 No. 1259 ID: 76b0be [Reply]

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Don't forget, anyone who doesn't want to go to war is gay.

47 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)08:51 No. 1996 ID: 7cb4c3

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Not going to war is fucking great

Anonymous 21/04/07(Wed)14:50 No. 2001 ID: cd9043

You can carry a gun in Chicago, you fucking tard.

Anonymous 21/05/07(Fri)04:50 No. 2009 ID: 4788ac

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Not according to the idiot who keeps whining about how he always has to vote third party because there aren't enough parties in the US.

I don't think he actually lives in the US, much less Chicago, which is why everything he says makes no fucking sense to anyone who lives here.

Anonymous 19/06/03(Mon)12:35 No. 1464 ID: 9fe361 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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The Tianamen Square Incident is being propagandized pretty hard in western media lately. Shit's posted everywhere, even 7chan/b/: >>/b/790842. Last week this lady comes forward to give credit to the stories that the military resisted orders to storm the square; reposts of Tank Man all week everywhere else; old sources dug up and regurgitated in every mainstream outlet.

I see what you are doing; it isn't going to work.

Either someone is trying to drum up anti-Chinese sentiment, or drive a wedge between the Chinese people and their government, or convince China to apologize for oppressing its people. None of those things are going to happen. It hasn't worked for thirty years and it isn't about to start working now.

People in the west, as offended as they may be, will not stick to this longer than it stays in the headlines and two weeks from now, no one's going to care. The Chinese people only remember that it is dangerous to discuss the matter and they will never accept any version of the story other than the party line. The Communist Party of China doesn't give a fuck, and will never apologize for something that didn't happen; that's right it didn't happen, because they erased it from history.

Also, maybe it actually didn't happen: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/there-was-no-tiananmen-square-massacre/

To be honest, I think a few hundred civilians were killed as a message to future protesters, but more importantly everyone who showed the slightest empathy was removed from their posts, disappeared, and/or 'reeducated'. Military officials, television reporters, civilians outside the action zone, everyone. There is no one left alive in China to speak against the official story and there hasn't been for thirty years. Think about this: no one under the age of thirty in China has ever heard about it; they are not going to believe you no matter how you try to prove it to them. They have all been raised to think that westerners are trying to undermine the prosperity of their country, just like they did during the Opium wars.

In fact, every military and economic conflict in which western powers were involved in China--even as allies of the Chinese government--have been recast as invasions, incursions, and attacks on Chinese sovereignty. This is also how they will see the western media dragging out the Tianamen Square Incident once again. No one in China will ever see it the way our media tells us to see it.

Nothing of value will come from drumming this up again.
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Anonymous 20/05/28(Thu)08:06 No. 1866 ID: ce92a1

We don't have pictures of bodies in the square, although we do have pictures of bodies around the square . I admit it's a moot point, but the CCP embraces this technicality. Whether it's the case that they confiscated every roll of film with pictures from the inside, then dragged the bodies out and cleaned up the blood before noon, or some other case, their point of view is that no massacre occured (inside Tianamen square). I'm not saying I like it, or that I agree, but we have to come to terms with the fact that the CCP is never going back on their narrative. The best we can do is keep it in our history books for as long as we don't use a Chinese company to publish them. We'll never get an apology, we'll never inspire a revolution, none of the things people want out of commemorating this tragedy will ever come. End of story.

Now we're faced with its secomd coming, and we're just going to let it happen again. What's the US doing for Hong Kong? Revoking it's special status, potentially ddcimating its financial market. That's punishing Hong Kong for losing to the CCP. Believe me, they don't give one shit about Hong Kong's economy. For the CCP, it's just one more toxic remnant of the colonial era to be stamped out and erased from history. Hong Kong isn't as important to them as it is to us: they know, even if they murder half its population, business as usual will come back in a few years and there's plenty of finance in Beijing, Shanghai, and Macau.

Hating on China achieves nothing, because we never really hold them to account. By which I mean we haven't booted them out of the UN and performed a direct, military intervention to exterminate the CCP--that is the only way we win.

Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)00:29 No. 1955 ID: 18d107

This didn't age well.

Anonymous 20/12/12(Sat)02:40 No. 1956 ID: 6311e8

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Jews were involved in the creation of modern China.

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