They do, but they don't, at least the average Negroid or other race to the grand scheme of things.
Reason what "racism" actually means. Simply put, if "racism" is discrimination based on race, and "discrimination" is simply recognizing and realizing the difference between one thing and another, then negatively telling others that they are or what they're doing is "racist", you are essentially saying that the truth should not be acknowledged. You HAVE to acknowledge that there are different, definable groups of people to tell someone off for racism, which is racist. Worst still, while he is likely someone opposed to blacks, he might not be, but you made the assumption that he was.
>"Oooh your [X] is adorable."
Grow up, you fucking child.
>No lives matter.
>If no one's life matters, then why are you still alive?
>Kill yourself and prove to us all just how much nobody's life matters.
>Otherwise you're just a little bitch unwilling to commit to his belief system.
It depends. To most people, their own lives are precious, even to those who aren't really living. But in the grand scheme of things, they're fucking ants. Their deaths would be meaningless to history, and even to themselves as they'd be dead. No one will remember them. Even the greatest king will be forgotten in time. Even here and now, where things matter a little more to the hysterical, many are just another face in the crowd.
>Second post with this bullshit. Suicide only proves you're so vain you think things will be different if you aren't around.
Not his point. You won't kill yourself because you're life has meaning to you.
>Neither your life nor death amount to much in the long run.
>You'd be a lot happier as a person if you could accept your insignificance and live with it.
Also this. At the same time, however, for those who are driven to do things, realizing their lives have meaning, that their lives are their own, can be exhilarating.
>Face it: you're just a fucking pussy who thinks his life has meaning and is desperate to convince everyone else that their lives are meaningless so you'll finally be able to make something of yourself while everyone's moping about doing nothing.
Delusional cynicism; paranoia. Try seeing a therapist, wretch.