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Anonymous 17/02/18(Sat)23:19 No. 183 ID: 07f1dd

File 148745634133.jpg - (55.88KB , 278x377 , 134929320522.jpg )

So a one party state solution for Israel and Palestine?

I move that it be called Pisrael.

Just because the yids and sandniggers have basically pissed the world off for being the whining children they are.

Anonymous 17/02/19(Sun)14:51 No. 184 ID: 287f94

I second this, and move that we refer to both countries as Pisrael from this moment forward, and use their lands as the pissing ground they have always been.

The only thing that sustains their conflict is posturing and dick waggling by foriegn powers. If we'd never given either side weapons or endorsements there would either have been a clear winner or they'd have mutually annihilated themselves by now--either way the world would be better off.

Anonymous 17/02/21(Tue)18:18 No. 185 ID: 8e1588

I say we call it "Nuclear Test Site A."

Anonymous 20/08/22(Sat)02:06 No. 1912 ID: 9e9ab3

Israel and Palestine will combine to form Israel since Israel will just declare Palestine theirs. Haha that is a joke we have in the West Bank. I see a lot of Israel jokes here :)

Anonymous 20/08/22(Sat)12:07 No. 1915 ID: f4ee5d


Anonymous 24/12/01(Sun)11:57 No. 2452 ID: b38ead


Americans think that the USA was Communist in 1776.

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