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No thread? The Red Barron 22/05/16(Mon)08:02 No. 2198 ID: 7cb4c3

File 165268096533.png - (136.23KB , 390x306 , oops.png )

Pick your poison

Anonymous 22/05/29(Sun)07:33 No. 2209 ID: c53ccd

File 165380239676.jpg - (33.73KB , 500x339 , mr_rogers-would-be-disappoint.jpg )


Anonymous 22/12/19(Mon)14:26 No. 2241 ID: 31beea


Anonymous 23/01/30(Mon)00:42 No. 2257 ID: 3e05e9

I used to walk by Mr. Rodger's apartment building on the daily and for the longest time I had no idea. I'm traveling at the moment, but I was looking around the maps trying to navigate and it turns out I'm like maybe 5 or 10 minutes from his grave. I almost drove right in to the cemetary after taking a series of wrong turns.

I don't necessarily agree with all of his politics, but I very much respect his emphasis on keeping politics out of it and emphasizing what's important for the proper development of children to grow up to be good neighbors. Could probably design a quick visit into a day trip with the family if you're in the area and without much idea what to do with them. Something a bit different to talk about while admiring the scenery.

Anonymous 23/02/25(Sat)03:26 No. 2268 ID: e35293

File 167729197344.png - (199.49KB , 750x525 , fred-rogers-pool-1-e1666836746589.png )

>keeping politics out of it

Is that a timeline variant of Mr. Rogers of which I am unaware?

Anonymous 24/12/01(Sun)12:04 No. 2453 ID: b38ead

If you said that the government was wiretapping your phone in 1999, everybody would have called you a nutjob.

Now if you say that the government is wiretapping your phone, no one cares.

How can Americans sleep at night now or look in a mirror without feeling disgusted and ashamed?

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