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/w/ - Weapons
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Anon Kalashnikov 20/05/22(Fri)02:14 No. 15537 [Reply]

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The fuckin' heck is this gun?

sage sage 20/08/22(Sat)14:21 No. 15559

Post without the Nigger Devil`s curliest hair hand.

join KC now Bernd 19/09/07(Sat)20:16 No. 15501 [Reply]

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Anon Kalashnikov 19/10/11(Fri)00:18 No. 15509

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For /w/!

The gun ban WILL happen, I guarantee you Anon Kalashnikov 19/10/01(Tue)22:36 No. 15508 [Reply]

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With Brendan O’Rourke running in 2020, we’re starting to hear a lot more about gun control. Just for a little backstory, my great grandfather was actually a farmer, and I remember him talking to me about the days when you could walk into a hardware store and buy dynamite. Nowadays that’s unheard of. If you think the same won’t be done to guns, then you’re deluding yourselves.

Just listen to Harold Covington’s podcast he made shortly after Sandy Hook. He knew exactly what was going on and I highly recommend you listen to it.


Just for a little spoiler of what Covington was saying: the government has already confiscated guns before in California during the Clinton administration. The amount of times people actually resisted against big brother is so few you could count them all on one hand. The only use would be dying by being burned alive in your home. Look at Australia, Great Britain and now New Zealand.

Name roll thread F0am3r 18/11/08(Thu)15:32 No. 15442 [Reply]

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What's up /w/?
Got me a chrome deagle coming this Thanksgiving. Dubs(or trips) names my Jew cannon!

11 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
ErikoB 19/07/18(Thu)00:29 No. 15487

Write Ebba Åkerlund on it

Anon Kalashnikov 19/09/04(Wed)05:35 No. 15499

Bean Blaster

Anon Kalashnikov 19/09/06(Fri)22:22 No. 15500

Yid Yeeter

3D Printable Weapons Anon Kalashnikov 13/02/22(Fri)05:19 No. 14567 [Reply]

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Anyone hear of the wiki weapon project? It's basically a project where people are developing CAD files of gun parts and magazines for 3d printers and plan to distribute them for free online under an open source platform.


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Anon Kalashnikov 16/10/24(Mon)19:08 No. 15350


Anon Kalashnikov 18/10/07(Sun)18:27 No. 15438

There was some supreme court hearing about this. They're protected by free speech, so other people will be able to upload more now

Anon Kalashnikov 19/08/24(Sat)08:55 No. 15493

r/gunnitrust and u/ivanthetroll 3dprinted glock mags. Nuff said

Anon Kalashnikov 16/10/07(Fri)13:29 No. 15338 [Reply]

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Hello, /k/.

I'm in the process of building myself a cabin innawoods, and setting up a reasonably sustainable living space for myself. Right now, I still have a regular apartment and job, but I intend to eventually go full hermit in my cabin and avoid heading into town if at all possible.

What I need are incredibly durable and easy to strip/troubleshoot firearms. I don't care how pretty they are, and I'm willing to trade 'comfort' for 'indestructible'.

Effectively, I want some guns that I can bring with me in the woods and that will easily last 10-15 years if need be without me heading into town (obviously with proper maintenance).

I'm not really interested in bringing more than 3 or 4 guns with me either, ideally

- a pistol/revolver
- a shotgun
- a hunting rifle
- a semi-auto rifle

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Anon Kalashnikov 17/02/15(Wed)06:50 No. 15364

.357 magnum would be a good idea for a lever action henry and a wheel gun. can take durr, and useful for self defense against small to mid size predators (cougars, wolves, coyotes, panthers, maybe small black bears.)

do not, I repeat do not even consider this as a viable self defense calibe against brown bears/grizzlies.
"b, b, but, shot placement."
yeah, you go with that. there's a good damn reason people in alsaka carry big bore hand cannons for anti-bear defense. grizzlies are fucking tanks.

1632 Brotherhood Of The Tentacle 19/07/06(Sat)06:16 No. 15484

Read the book 1632 from Eric Flint from beginning to end. If you're thinking about going down time then you should learn how to make and Smith your own black powder flintlocks. Seriously, If you're all hermit then having these down time firearms won't be attracting any attention to you. Beside, If the SHTF hits the fan and we lose most of our tech you would have an advantage.

Anon Kalashnikov 19/07/11(Thu)20:59 No. 15485

This is /w/, retard.

Anon Kalashnikov 18/07/21(Sat)12:12 No. 15432 [Reply]

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You guys like knives or what?
Knife General thread
Oh, and dont make this a dick measuring contest because some knives are just built bigger than others it doesn't make one much better than the other just because the blade is longer.

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Anon Kalashnikov 18/11/08(Thu)16:30 No. 15449

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Anon Kalashnikov 18/11/08(Thu)16:30 No. 15450

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This particular one isn`t mine but it is the same kind just a bit thinner Guy 19/03/09(Sat)23:55 No. 15477

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Anon Kalashnikov 18/11/17(Sat)09:16 No. 15459 [Reply]

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Looking for a wiz Anon Kalashnikov 18/08/16(Thu)15:30 No. 15435 [Reply]

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Trying to find out if my wizard is on here had a few questions and was told this is where he hangs. And also gun porn thread to keep it weapons related.

Anon Kalashnikov 18/09/21(Fri)00:12 No. 15436

Your wizard? Wtf are you talking about?

Anon Kalashnikov 18/10/13(Sat)03:51 No. 15439

What's up my wizard?

Mad Max Anon Kalashnikov 15/11/10(Tue)12:52 No. 15181 [Reply]

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What is the gun mad max uses in the films?

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Anon Kalashnikov 16/01/06(Wed)00:10 No. 15215



gun willystuff 18/05/05(Sat)18:32 No. 15426

Sawed-off VG Bentley Double-Barreled Shotgun

Anon Kalashnikov 18/05/06(Sun)15:58 No. 15427

A sawn off shotgun

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