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The gun ban WILL happen, I guarantee you Anon Kalashnikov 19/10/01(Tue)22:36 No. 15508

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With Brendan O’Rourke running in 2020, we’re starting to hear a lot more about gun control. Just for a little backstory, my great grandfather was actually a farmer, and I remember him talking to me about the days when you could walk into a hardware store and buy dynamite. Nowadays that’s unheard of. If you think the same won’t be done to guns, then you’re deluding yourselves.

Just listen to Harold Covington’s podcast he made shortly after Sandy Hook. He knew exactly what was going on and I highly recommend you listen to it.


Just for a little spoiler of what Covington was saying: the government has already confiscated guns before in California during the Clinton administration. The amount of times people actually resisted against big brother is so few you could count them all on one hand. The only use would be dying by being burned alive in your home. Look at Australia, Great Britain and now New Zealand.

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