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File 136150676699.jpg - (97.96KB , 800x534 , wikiweapons.jpg )
Anyone hear of the wiki weapon project? It's basically a project where people are developing CAD files of gun parts and magazines for 3d printers and plan to distribute them for free online under an open source platform.
Dunno if you've heard, but someone already got an AR lower going.
>>14612 All the files that DEFCAD hosts in a single download. This guy
It's been taken down by the government. Why have I not heard about this, it's the government making guns less accessible. </political tangent> Anyways, does anyone have a torrent or download link of their files? its still online here
There was some supreme court hearing about this. They're protected by free speech, so other people will be able to upload more now
r/gunnitrust and u/ivanthetroll 3dprinted glock mags. Nuff said