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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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Straight shota doujun, women with realistic proprortions Anonymous 24/04/16(Tue)09:36 No. 37345 [Reply]

File 171325299379.jpg - (248.11KB , 1280x1829 , 13.jpg )

Any doujins that features straight shotacon WITHOUT huge, flabby, unrealistic titties?

An example is Anti-aging mama by Fukudahda.

2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 24/04/18(Thu)12:32 No. 37352

The real problem is finding a realistic woman and a shota that doesn't have a horsecock in the same doujin. There are a few artists that do more realistically proportioned characters.
Nora Higuma is good:
First one is from "Yuusha to Kenja to Tokidoki Senshi"
Second is from "Okaa-san de Seitsuu Shichatta Ryouta-kun | Ryouta-kun Ejaculated for the First Time using His Stepmom"

Ponpharse is pretty good too. Third image is from "Ponpharse Vol. 3 - Toshiue no Onee-san Hen (Zenpen) | Ponfaz Vol. 3 – Onee-chan"

Anonymous 24/05/07(Tue)08:41 No. 37381

File 171506409361.jpg - (181.62KB , 999x1412 , Lust_Gekkan_shouta_00.jpg )

Yoshiura Kazuya, Ponkotsu Damashii, Yukyu Ponzu and [pixiv] bh2

Anonymous 24/05/07(Tue)12:59 No. 37382

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Oh yes, my favorite, elegant and delicate

Anonimo 24/04/17(Wed)09:38 No. 37348 [Reply]

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Alguien sabe donde esta el resto de esta animacion, no la encuentro en ningun lado

The Bounty of Lilith Anonymous 22/05/20(Fri)13:11 No. 36913 [Reply]

File 165304508593.png - (200.84KB , 1280x800 , 3744ce9bc20d4e92fad3900bc111625942c65f8e2b76fae295.png )

Anyone remember this old thing? A gigantic series of captions detailing a society of shota-loving women and their religion. From what I can see it seems to have mostly disappeared from the internet, but I still have a lot of them saved to my PC. The problem is that they're all out of order because stupid me 6 years ago decided to put them all in a hydrus database which scrambled their filenames

Anyway, I've slapped them on Mega for you all to enjoy if you don't mind the mess. https://mega.nz/folder/hiwkBRoa#k89DoOS7ycX2l9FHRn3ivQ

And if anyone has the entire set of captions, with page numbers, it would be greatly appreciated if you could share it. I don't want to have to spend hours trying to figure out what order the pages should go in if I can avoid it.

2 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/07/06(Wed)03:56 No. 36943

Read more like an obfuscated instruction manual than it did a work of fiction. At least, that was the impression I had when I read the entire thing years ago.

Anonymous 22/10/16(Sun)07:15 No. 36988

Holy fuck, what the hell? Yes, I remember this. It was big back on 8chan /ss/ in 2016. I had written this off as lost media.

Because that's exactly what it is. The creator said that it began as a religious worldbuilding project on tumblr, but he shut it down because of too many of the fempeds on tumblr taking it too far and acting like it was real, and he didn't want to be responsible for any abuse. He was in the middle of deciding whether or not to write a harm-reduction guide when all of the 8chan political drama began.

Help finding a Doujin Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:02 No. 37329 [Reply]

File 171148693224.jpg - (476.32KB , 1280x1811 , 116911865_p0.jpg )

Been looking for a shota doujin for the longest time and cannot find the damn thing again.

It started with the kid coming home and finding a bunch of older women talking at some kind of get together, and one of them was I think recently divorced so they joke that the kid could marry her instead to 'treat her well'. She got offended at the suggestion while the kid was right there and he got huffy and left angrily.

He later gets talked to by the woman and he states that he WOULD be a good husband etc etc, they fuck and thats most of what I remember. Does anyone know what I am talking about or did I fever dream this one?

Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:27 No. 37330

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Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:29 No. 37331

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Anonymous 24/03/29(Fri)09:43 No. 37332

I found it.

ss anneh 24/01/28(Sun)20:20 No. 37288 [Reply]

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Adding some

anneh 24/01/28(Sun)20:21 No. 37289

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anneh 24/01/28(Sun)20:22 No. 37290

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anneh 24/01/28(Sun)20:22 No. 37291

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As Android game Anonymous 21/06/14(Mon)11:24 No. 35841 [Reply]

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Any sfw ss game for Android? Images of Heavy petting or cuddling? I'm outta my wit's here so excuse the lack of explaining of my requirements. I'm that dry. Need to get wet.
I love the flow of ponphase btw..

Anonymous 21/06/15(Tue)01:20 No. 35842

File 162371284554.jpg - (160.01KB , 1333x1000 , 82.jpg )

Some of the games listed in https://8chan.moe/ss/res/323.html may have .apk files you could find. AI dungeon works on mobile browsers afaik.

Anonymous 21/06/15(Tue)18:14 No. 35844

Thanks. I'll go have a look

Anonymous 23/11/23(Thu)04:44 No. 37236


Handjobs Anonymous 23/09/20(Wed)19:10 No. 37155 [Reply]

File 169522982588.jpg - (475.24KB , 1125x2000 , 7CFF978C-8F55-4B25-B264-DDB6F8E8B143.jpg )

Onee-sans giving their boys some hand relief!

17 posts and 25 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 23/09/29(Fri)23:52 No. 37181

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Anonymous 23/11/06(Mon)05:37 No. 37220


Anonymous 23/11/08(Wed)21:36 No. 37224

hey guys, i didnt find a session or kik thread here, could you send me some of those pics please :)
session: 051512a182a3bec60c3434a86700a8a0750780ac797612a6de5fd390dc0e3cd22b
kik: sir_Lungs1

help please??? Manwe20 21/08/07(Sat)11:21 No. 35908 [Reply]

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would anyone be kind enough to help me identify the artist of this story please ??

Shaman 22/08/22(Mon)03:44 No. 36961


Anonymous 23/10/30(Mon)02:13 No. 37212

Oshaburi Hokenshitsu by Suruga Kuroitsu

Amarsroshta Amarsroshta 23/09/11(Mon)12:38 No. 37150 [Reply]

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Hi everyone, after a long time I am back. If you remember me I am Amarsroshta, a regular contributor here and now I am back with a new comic called The Revenge. It is up for sale and interested parties can mail me at [email protected]

Amarsroshta 23/10/09(Mon)12:42 No. 37195

File 169684816551.jpg - (112.45KB , 750x1073 , revenge_by_vipinsaxena_dffzgoj-375w-2x.jpg )

My new heroine Aparna and hero Shubham.

Non-explicit straight shota pics Anonymous 23/10/09(Mon)01:09 No. 37194 [Reply]

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By ‘non-explicit’ I mean no sex acts. Kissing is fine though.

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