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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

1. Straight shota content only. A female must also be involved.
2. There is a "Shota General" board (/sh/). Use it for solo, bisexual, gay, trans, and other non-straight shota stuff.
3. If posting a full doujin, create a new thread for it.
4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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Anonymous 21/06/11(Fri)06:32 No. 35837 [Reply]

File 162338593239.jpg - (116.35KB , 1080x1179 , 8B26A780_7C5A_425A_9AB6_3DD1D9D73BAF.jpg )

What is it about shotacon that gets people so obnoxiously picky about realism?
I mean seriously.
Shotas being situational masters?
"That ruins it."
Shotas having relatively "large" dicks?
"That ruins it"
Shotas making sexual fluids?
"That ruins it."
(Even though ironically,it's the most realistic thing ever.)
Yet, in any other hentai fetish, lolis dominate and squirt on grown men, human bodies are caved out by tentacles and still survive, furries, mpreg, MILFs with youthful bodies still.
These fetishes can go all out and never be harshly condemned for not confirming to reality.
Yet,shotacon is somehow an exception.
Shotas have to be shy,passive limp-wristed ragdolls to whatever fate awaits them.
Because it's "realistic".
(Even though in reality, children aren't all passive/innocent.)
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Anonymous 22/11/28(Mon)22:28 No. 37025

Is it possible to make content for ourselves with small-dicked shotas fucking a bunch of girls/women?

Here's an idea:
There's a mother with four (or more) daughters and a son, perhaps there are also aunts and female cousins involved as well.
The daughters cover all the bases: an ephebe, hebe, loli, and toddler, as for the son, he is a baby at the beginning, everyone grows older as the plot progresses over the years.
The father dies shortly after the son is conceived, and the mother and her daughters have all kinds of sex with the son over the years.
You follow the action as it unfolds over the course of years, watching the boy grow up being continually fucked by his all female family as if it were a normal thing for them to do with him.
The tale is told from the perspective of each of the family members.

Anonymous 22/11/30(Wed)11:41 No. 37026

sounds good!

Anonymous 22/12/23(Fri)20:42 No. 37042


Looking to commission artists who draw /ss/ content Anonymous 20/05/11(Mon)04:25 No. 33844 [Reply]

File 158916394228.jpg - (250.60KB , 1207x909 , 5652C24A-5546-474F-B2CD-F6BEAE60175A.jpg )

If interested please post your contact info

9 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 22/10/27(Thu)09:12 No. 36999

BTW, if you like any of these ideas enough to make them all on your own, just go ahead and do it, don't even mention me, these are super broad outlines and I don't think that I would be anything other than ecstatic if one of these barebones outlines were used in any creative work of /ss/, I just want there to be these kinds of stories made into a pornographic work of any kind, there'd be nothing else I'd want from the creator if it were to be created. I will pay well for any of these being used in the creation of some /ss/ creation.

Anonymous 22/11/02(Wed)15:22 No. 37002

File 166739893963.jpg - (17.82KB , 434x366 , 1570585065342.jpg )

>she became a housewife, and ended up molesting her own son starting from the day he was delivered.

Anonymous 22/11/09(Wed)14:13 No. 37004

It's supposed to be perverted and unrealistic.

Anonymous 21/09/27(Mon)00:25 No. 36014 [Reply]

File 163269513557.gif - (465.54KB , 1000x750 , 860_1000.gif )

Anonymous 22/08/30(Tue)19:07 No. 36967

File 166187925978.gif - (48.94KB , 200x150 , 860_1000 - thumb.gif )

This is art!

Anonymous 22/08/30(Tue)19:08 No. 36968

File 166187930284.gif - (22.56KB , 125x94 , 860_1000 - thumb - thumb.gif )

How long can I go?

Anonymous 22/08/30(Tue)19:10 No. 36969

File 166187940178.gif - (20.90KB , 125x94 , 860_1000 - thumb - thumb - thumb.gif )

>thumb - thumb - thumb
Zang Tumb Tuuum!

Anonymous 22/07/15(Fri)04:19 No. 36948 [Reply]

File 165785157861.jpg - (94.26KB , 800x929 , 48130eb4b180221c0438c5c29ea97f2c.jpg )

Why are most shota fiction, both hetero and homo always make the shotas to be comical relief? Why does society always give great depth and sensitivity to the person hood of girls but write boys as just "live-action" cartoon characters?

The only stories that properly portray shotas as men of virtue and love are Shota Oni

sourcing an ancient doujin from memory Anonymous 22/04/14(Thu)00:53 No. 36889 [Reply]

File 164989041954.png - (318.94KB , 444x652 , FB_IMG_1592955620913.png )

Hi /ss/, its been years since ive browsed here but i cant think of anywhere better to ask. I recall an old doujin i browsed somewhere between 2008 and 2012, featuring a boy whos mother drives him around at night in the passenger seat, exposed, and forbidden from covering his privates. theres very little actual sex in the doujin, its mostly just the boys experience of being kept exposed in risky situations. I need to find that doujin again, does anyone else remember it?

Anonymous 22/04/14(Thu)10:10 No. 36890

File 164992383862.jpg - (608.33KB , 1117x1600 , 1389803351968.jpg )

found it

Anonymous 22/04/22(Fri)15:47 No. 36896


Anonymous 22/03/18(Fri)07:13 No. 36876 [Reply]

File 164758400148.jpg - (168.85KB , 595x842 , bnn_page2.jpg )

Who the author?

Anonymous 22/03/20(Sun)22:06 No. 36878

back then they were known as Celis, these days they are known as Zubrowk

a post bio 22/02/20(Sun)19:11 No. 36866 [Reply]

File 164538068879.jpg - (2.87MB , 3508x4961 , IMG 00100110011010001.jpg )

you like

TStorm78 21/12/30(Thu)13:26 No. 36702 [Reply]

File 164086719077.jpg - (0.96MB , 1235x1788 , Kahogo Na Mama (8).jpg )

TStorm78 Color [Kuniaki Kitakata] Kahogo Na Mama

2 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

Anonymous 21/11/19(Fri)03:51 No. 36065 [Reply]

File 163729031935.jpg - (62.33KB , 524x484 , 257368426_4535907539818594_21983845505191583_n.jpg )

is there anything we can do about all the multiple posts with the same style? like can we just make them post all into the same thread?

this has been a problem for awhile and I didn't want to say anything but, like,

does no one else see what I am talking about?

my art bio 20/12/31(Thu)11:46 No. 35270 [Reply]

File 160941160635.jpg - (287.67KB , 1080x1351 , Babysitter Millena.jpg )

my art

Anonymous 21/01/01(Fri)17:18 No. 35276

Great pic. Thank you.

Anonymous 21/08/16(Mon)19:38 No. 35935

ja ja ja xd

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