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/ss/ - Straight Shotacon A board for general straight shota content

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4. Posting a request thread without at least three related pictures is a bannable offense.
5. Western cartoons are fine, as long as they're good quality. 3D CG is fine as well, as long as it's good quality and not too realistic. If you're unsure if it's too realistic, it probably is.
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TStorm78 21/12/30(Thu)13:26 No. 36702 [Reply]

File 164086719077.jpg - (0.96MB , 1235x1788 , Kahogo Na Mama (8).jpg )

TStorm78 Color [Kuniaki Kitakata] Kahogo Na Mama

2 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

Anonymous 21/11/19(Fri)03:51 No. 36065 [Reply]

File 163729031935.jpg - (62.33KB , 524x484 , 257368426_4535907539818594_21983845505191583_n.jpg )

is there anything we can do about all the multiple posts with the same style? like can we just make them post all into the same thread?

this has been a problem for awhile and I didn't want to say anything but, like,

does no one else see what I am talking about?

my art bio 20/12/31(Thu)11:46 No. 35270 [Reply]

File 160941160635.jpg - (287.67KB , 1080x1351 , Babysitter Millena.jpg )

my art

Anonymous 21/01/01(Fri)17:18 No. 35276

Great pic. Thank you.

Anonymous 21/08/16(Mon)19:38 No. 35935

ja ja ja xd

Anonymous 21/10/20(Wed)04:35 No. 36027 [Reply]

File 16346973028.png - (246.37KB , 496x752 , IMG_202110292_082901.png )

Please help me find this manga.
I litteraly found this with no context on my phone today

Anonymous 21/10/20(Wed)10:05 No. 36029

Kami-sama no Iu Toori | As God Says


Anonymous 21/02/16(Tue)16:06 No. 35428 [Reply]

File 161348796766.jpg - (167.50KB , 730x1120 , 04CB375F-57C7-490F-9508-3B8C8EDC3428.jpg )

hey guys
does anybody have sauce / artist name of this?

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Anonymous 21/04/13(Tue)18:55 No. 35605


[Caramel Dow] Inshoku

Anonymous 21/08/17(Tue)18:39 No. 35944

full pack

Butcherboy dumper moms Anonymous 20/08/15(Sat)02:40 No. 34475 [Reply]

File 15974520135.jpg - (1.05MB , 1000x1416 , 767AD097-E4D3-4541-9C54-DC14A9355EF3.jpg )

Does anyone have the rough of butcherBOYS dumper mom series before he scrapped the whole thing for “legal issues.”

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anon 20/09/08(Tue)00:06 No. 34669


Anonymous 21/01/17(Sun)03:54 No. 35307

yiff party is dead, does anyone still have it?

80s anime Anonymous 21/01/16(Sat)01:17 No. 35304 [Reply]

File 161075624543.jpg - (125.02KB , 480x360 , 1-1.jpg )

GUGU GANMO is good.

Anonymous 21/08/17(Tue)04:49 No. 35940

one falls

/ss/ erotica Anonymous 20/11/25(Wed)16:54 No. 34971 [Reply]

File 160631968229.jpg - (114.12KB , 343x717 , 1769F202-C2BD-4787-979F-34567520A101.jpg )

Any good erotica that isn’t paywalled?

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Anonymous 20/11/27(Fri)02:06 No. 34976

That’s not erotica

Anonymous 20/12/25(Fri)16:46 No. 35037

you stupid fuck

Anonymous 21/01/02(Sat)00:44 No. 35280

Is this actual pedophilia?

Does anyone know the artist behind the bowling series? Anonymous 21/01/02(Sat)00:31 No. 35277 [Reply]

File 160954388710.jpg - (259.92KB , 990x1400 , milftoon-no-more-bowling_10.jpg )

They or at least they're art style is very prominent on milftoon .com. I want to know who they are so I can see more of they're work and what they do.

Anonymous 21/01/02(Sat)00:33 No. 35278

Milftoon is a good distributor for western ss in general

Anonymous 21/01/02(Sat)00:33 No. 35279

Milftoon is a good distributor for western ss in general

Mom and son incest book illustration lepy1 20/06/12(Fri)12:20 No. 34036 [Reply]

File 159195724431.jpg - (1.11MB , 2475x2993 , mom son incest drawing 01.jpg )

Pictures from a hungarian boook (year 1995) about incest.

10 posts and 13 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/10/27(Tue)00:25 No. 34915

The boy deserved all this. He is weak and pathetic.

Axc 20/12/27(Sun)18:36 No. 35045

That book is really hot. Do you have a PDF or ZIP with all the images?

Anonymous 21/08/16(Mon)19:45 No. 35936


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