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Any doujins that features straight shotacon WITHOUT huge, flabby, unrealistic titties? An example is Anti-aging mama by Fukudahda.
You might as well ask if there's any non-loli hentai AT ALL that don't have huge flapping titties? (The answer is no)
>>37346 Ofc it exists, lol.
>>37345 The real problem is finding a realistic woman and a shota that doesn't have a horsecock in the same doujin. There are a few artists that do more realistically proportioned characters. Nora Higuma is good: First one is from "Yuusha to Kenja to Tokidoki Senshi" Second is from "Okaa-san de Seitsuu Shichatta Ryouta-kun | Ryouta-kun Ejaculated for the First Time using His Stepmom" Ponpharse is pretty good too. Third image is from "Ponpharse Vol. 3 - Toshiue no Onee-san Hen (Zenpen) | Ponfaz Vol. 3 – Onee-chan"
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Yoshiura Kazuya, Ponkotsu Damashii, Yukyu Ponzu and [pixiv] bh2
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Oh yes, my favorite, elegant and delicate