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Help finding a Doujin Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:02 No. 37329 ID: 5531b6

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Been looking for a shota doujin for the longest time and cannot find the damn thing again.

It started with the kid coming home and finding a bunch of older women talking at some kind of get together, and one of them was I think recently divorced so they joke that the kid could marry her instead to 'treat her well'. She got offended at the suggestion while the kid was right there and he got huffy and left angrily.

He later gets talked to by the woman and he states that he WOULD be a good husband etc etc, they fuck and thats most of what I remember. Does anyone know what I am talking about or did I fever dream this one?

Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:27 No. 37330 ID: 5531b6

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Anonymous 24/03/26(Tue)22:29 No. 37331 ID: 5531b6

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Anonymous 24/03/29(Fri)09:43 No. 37332 ID: 5531b6

I found it.

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