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I have a question . 19/09/06(Fri)20:41 No. 15219 [Reply]

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In your opinion, if u.s had sided with germany in ww2, how would the world be today?

26 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Historian 22/05/21(Sat)23:56 No. 15558


Historian 22/12/08(Thu)09:09 No. 15613


Historian 23/02/23(Thu)10:13 No. 15631

The Man in the High Castle shows this alternate history

Historian 23/01/23(Mon)00:59 No. 15624 [Reply]

File 167443194730.jpg - (720.06KB , 2023x2807 , 1929C7E4-8C03-4B05-A7FB-5B46DD9CFE99.jpg )

So this guy Geert Adriaans Boomgaard lived during the lifetimes of both Napoleon Bonaporte and Adolf Hitler. Almost lived to see the First World War roughly a century after he fought in the Napoleonic Wars.

So it's almost as if he lived during both reigns of Nostradamus' Anti-Christs, right?

Historian 23/01/28(Sat)15:19 No. 15627

That would explain his demeanor in the picture

Historian 23/05/17(Wed)04:49 No. 15649

>Hitler was a really bad goy
I'm no /pol/ troon, but people who actually believe this make me laugh. Yes, he is so filled with hatred and evil that he didn't eat meat, out of his sheer hatred for others. Gimme a break.

Historian 18/11/30(Fri)04:32 No. 15111 [Reply]

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Let's imagine a world where whites (French, Germs, Scandi and Anglos) as a civilization would be without appropriating culture, technology and riches from other people's.

Which means:
No contact with the Roman Republic/Empire and China
No crusades
No Judeo-Christian religions
No discovery of the new world
No colonization of Africa
No establishments of chiefdom beyond Germania Magna (No Italian, French, Iberian and African dynasties).
Celts still populate most of Europe in this timeline

Also remember that whites before contact with Rome had no literature or construction capabilities beyond wooden buildings. They did have Bronze Age weapons, though. Starting year: 200 B.C. (before first Roman interventions in Gaul because they wouldn't stop killing each other)

34 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Historian 19/11/17(Sun)11:18 No. 15270

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Historian 20/02/13(Thu)23:11 No. 15299

>Let's imagine a world where whites (French, Germs, Scandi and Anglos) as a civilization would be without appropriating culture, technology and riches from other people's.
Let's level whatever field you're playing on, no culture, technology or riches from others - all civs.

>Also remember that whites before contact with Rome had no literature or construction capabilities beyond wooden buildings. They did have Bronze Age weapons, though. Starting year: 200 B.C.
So in 200 B.C. the whites steam roll every other Civ...
Let's be clear the Romans (who were the ones who held them in check) appropriated almost everything from other cultures including their entire pantheon.

So now you got whitey steam rolling across the globe, slapping henges all over the place as a testament to their awesomeness. Fast forward a few thousand years to the internet age and we have some hut-shitter rambling on about how if other Civs had worked together in 200BC. they could have made the world a better place by stopping the whitey before his dominance.

Shit's 'like circlular you know, like stone henge....

Historian 22/12/26(Mon)10:52 No. 15619

Mining copper in Manchester England 3000bc

Check english tin mining pre Rome

Fcuk nut

Historian 22/12/24(Sat)07:57 No. 15617 [Reply]

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Did The Devil write Codex Gigas?


The Truth of Race Origins Historian 22/03/23(Wed)04:03 No. 15549 [Reply]

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India is The Motherland of the european whites as well as the arabic-semite whites.

India is the Motherland from which the both यूरोपan whites and the semitic Whites were born.

Read my worldview. I'd like to hear your opinions.


If you are some how worried (like the 4chan people were) then use this pastebin link instead


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Historian 22/08/15(Mon)04:45 No. 15583


Oh it's in India now? I thought it was at the top of a mountain in Turkey. Was that wrong, was my Sunday school teacher lying to me?

Cato 22/08/15(Mon)09:36 No. 15586


i think everyone is lying and nobody knows where tf it is

Historian 22/12/24(Sat)04:31 No. 15616

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Does India stand with Ukraine?

Historian 22/12/22(Thu)16:18 No. 15615 [Reply]

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Who built the mysterious staircase in Loretto Chapel? Was it St. Joseph?


Historian 12/01/25(Wed)04:59 No. 11345 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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The good guys lost the Napoleonic wars.

50 posts and 10 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Historian 15/03/02(Mon)23:19 No. 14531

Most of the people who supported the revoltuin were upper class and court aristocratics, the common people revolted against the republic several times.

Historian 15/03/03(Tue)02:43 No. 14532

USicans who think all France ever did was raise white flags

Hey, I got a good French rifle...never been fired, and only dropped once!

Historian 22/12/14(Wed)17:11 No. 15614

Bumping this thread

Ohio Shinji 22/09/22(Thu)19:26 No. 15602 [Reply]

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Wtf do you do in ohio tell me

This isn't Sparta Historian 22/08/23(Tue)13:50 No. 15590 [Reply]

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Misconceptions of Sparta

I wanna know some shit Historian 22/07/19(Tue)18:43 No. 15573 [Reply]

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Are there parts of France that don't suck donkey dick? I don't like brown people.

Shaman 22/08/21(Sun)23:16 No. 15588


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