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The Truth of Race Origins Historian 22/03/23(Wed)04:03 No. 15549

File 164800458778.png - (185.41KB , 661x439 , India Pepe2.png )

India is The Motherland of the european whites as well as the arabic-semite whites.

India is the Motherland from which the both यूरोपan whites and the semitic Whites were born.

Read my worldview. I'd like to hear your opinions.


If you are some how worried (like the 4chan people were) then use this pastebin link instead


Historian 22/04/19(Tue)20:17 No. 15551

oh oh

Historian 22/06/02(Thu)05:50 No. 15561

File 165414182938.jpg - (35.88KB , 586x538 , understands 2.jpg )

>India is The Motherland of the european whites as well as the arabic-semite whites.
Wrong, they matured as a race on the western half of the Scythian lands, and on the far east side of these same lands was Punjab, not India
>India is the Motherland from which the both यूरोपan whites and the semitic Whites were born.
Again wrong. Whites were found throughout the middle east and Europe too. Whites in ancient times were all over.
>Read my worldview. I'd like to hear your opinions.
Well, you have my opinion. Choke on it.

Cato 22/08/14(Sun)09:12 No. 15582

i heard that Noah's ark is in India. It's probably bullshit though.

Historian 22/08/15(Mon)04:45 No. 15583


Oh it's in India now? I thought it was at the top of a mountain in Turkey. Was that wrong, was my Sunday school teacher lying to me?

Cato 22/08/15(Mon)09:36 No. 15586


i think everyone is lying and nobody knows where tf it is

Historian 22/12/24(Sat)04:31 No. 15616

File 167185271295.jpg - (435.75KB , 1280x1280 , 81C42D5B-E14C-4C46-A03D-2C9F910DD1BA.jpg )

Does India stand with Ukraine?

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