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ISIS Islamic State and Islam in Indigenous Muslim peoples of Latin America
All Muslims around the world especially in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, Indian Subcontinent, and Southeast Asia will go and migrate to Latin America. Islamize and Marry Indigenous Peoples will become Muslims in Latin America like the Taino, Maya, Chorotega, Bribri, Miskito, Arawak, Wayuu, Guaymis, Kuna, Embera, Ayamara, Shuar, Quechua Inca, Amazon, Tupi, Guaranis, Teheulche and Mapuche.
Also the Native Americans and Eskimos are willing to embrace Islam too. If that happen, 50 million indigenous peoples of the Americas (Western hemisphere) will become the indigenous Muslims in the Western Hemisphere.
the Spanish colonialism and Western imperialism that oppress the Indigenous peoples will end thanks to Islam.
Hispanics like Mexicans will become refugees going to United States once the Islamic Maya State is established in Southern Mexico like Chiapas and Yucatan peninsula with the help of arab league, Muslim migrants, OIC, AQ abd Isis.
If a Hispanics or Europeans Kuffars attack an Indigenous Latin American Muslim, Muslims all over the world will slaughter the Kuffars anywhere in the world as response.
What happened in Southern Philippines, Chechnya, Xinjiang China, Southern Thailand, Kashmir, Balkans and other with Muslim population/Islam as a major religion that caused tensions and conflicts will also happen in Yucatan peninsula, Panama-Colombia, Amazon, Andes, Araucania Guyanas, Tri border region and Patagonia when the Indigenous Peoples embraced Islam.
Muslims will control the shipping routes of Panama canal and Patagonia (just the Red Sea, Mallaca Strait, Arafura Sea, Giblartar, Persian Gulf, Bosporus/Black Sea and the Silk Road) that will spell disaster to Global Economy and Striking distance to United States and Canada in the Western Hemisphere. Allahu Akbar!!!
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