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Historian 19/12/06(Fri)03:08 No. 15274

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What is the importance of religion?

Historian 19/12/06(Fri)04:54 No. 15275

It reduces conflict within your collective at the expense of propagating conflict with those outside.

Tippers like to bash on it but the alternative is either an authoritarian dystopia that subdues any provocating entities or anarchy.

Historian 19/12/17(Tue)04:42 No. 15276

It exists to trick stupid people into not hurting themselves or others. In a world where we have the technology to easily both heal people and prevent crime with relative ease it's more or less obsolete, but back when we thought bad smells caused diseases it was a pretty effective tool to keep us safe.

Not true at all. Many east-Asian nations like Japan and South Korea are highly advanced and have greater cultural unity than western countries, despite being culturally agnostic.

Historian 19/12/17(Tue)10:25 No. 15278

>Many east-Asian nations like Japan and South Korea are highly advanced and have greater cultural unity than western countries
Weeaboo detected.

An intensely racist country.

>South Korea
North Korea until it received massive support and investment from America (the west) as part of the cold war.

Historian 19/12/25(Wed)06:23 No. 15280

>Weeaboo detected
Insults are not an argument

>An intensely racist country.
Not sure how that's relevant

>North Korea until it received massive support and investment from America (the west) as part of the cold war.
That doesn't invalidate my argument. The western culture introduced was derived from Christianity, but by the time of the cold war was no longer necessary. That's why South Korea didn't import it.

Historian 19/12/28(Sat)21:41 No. 15281

>Insults are not an argument
Not an insult, an observation.

>An intensely racist country.
>Not sure how that's relevant
Racism is another form of the "Us vs. Them" mentality religion enshrines. You claim Japan is culturally agnostic but the Shinto religion dominates society to such an extent it's not even considered a religion, rather it's just a part of daily life and common etiquette, the fact that westerners don't commonly partake in these rituals further fuel for their racism.

>South Korea
>North Korea until it received massive support and investment from America (the west) as part of the cold war.
>The western culture introduced was derived from Christianity, but by the time of the cold war was no longer necessary. That's why South Korea didn't import it.
Nothing says cultural unity like being at war with your neighbour. A war that began because of western interference and continues because of western interference. The only reason the country is considered agnostic today is because at the beginning of the 19th century Christian missionaries went in and started wiping out the local religions and demonising their practices (practically a religious war), even in the 70's they were burning shrines and arresting shamans in the streets. I'm pretty sure most of us would claim to be agnostic under those conditions when queried by the good ol Christian government survey...

Historian 19/12/29(Sun)03:43 No. 15283

I don't think you get my point at all, even though I thought I made it painfully clear

Historian 19/12/29(Sun)03:48 No. 15284

I don't think you made a point.

Historian 19/12/29(Sun)10:49 No. 15285

>It exists to trick stupid people into not hurting themselves or others.
For one, not every religion is christianity with the same moral system. Two, having your morality come from a presupposition of objective truth and first cause creator is hardly faulty logic.
>In a world where we have the technology to easily both heal people and prevent crime with relative ease it's more or less obsolete,
We don't have the power to bring back someone who is for example either stabbed, raped or maimed and the surveillance state the west has erected is not helping us prevent planned attacks. Fixing a problem after it happened, no matter how well it's restored, will never make preventing said problem obsolete.
>but back when we thought bad smells caused diseases it was a pretty effective tool to keep us safe.
What? What the fuck are you talking about?

Historian 20/01/03(Fri)06:27 No. 15286

>having your morality come from a presupposition of objective truth and first cause creator is hardly faulty logic.
Faith is the belief in something despite nobody being able to properly demonstrate its existence. By definition, it is as far from objectivity as possible, let alone logic.
>We don't have the power to bring back someone who is for example either stabbed, raped or maimed and the surveillance state the west has erected is not helping us prevent planned attacks. Fixing a problem after it happened, no matter how well it's restored, will never make preventing said problem obsolete.
I don't know what you're trying to argue here.
>What? What the fuck are you talking about?
Somebody doesn't know enough about history...

Historian 20/01/03(Fri)07:40 No. 15287

>For one, not every religion is christianity with the same moral system.
True, but Abrahamic cults led to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, whose underlying tenets are mostly the same except for differences caused by stupid people running the religion as their personal piggybank for way too fucking long leading to them diverging despite their common root.

Those three sects, combined, account for the majority of religious mouthbreathers on this planet.

Historian 20/01/16(Thu)06:57 No. 15291

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I don't know OP, what's the importance of experimental philosophical doctrines that mesh how the world is, with how one should act, trying to form a stable gestalt on metaphysical topics that make one's head hurt and make you swoon, overwhelm you and disorient you just thinking about


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