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Anonymous 21/11/30(Tue)15:25 No. 17940 ID: 3cad9e [Reply]

File 163828230323.jpg - (2.03MB , 2141x1825 , IMG_20211130_212530.jpg )

isnt ther ways to draw like this?
basically knowing how long the lines go and where it start and goes to at any time and any moment, to represent the subject in perspective as correct as possible?

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Anonymous 22/02/24(Thu)11:49 No. 18159 ID: 0d8deb

File 164569976332.jpg - (58.17KB , 515x630 , 9781933492735_p0_v2_s1200x630.jpg )

"How to draw" from Scott Robertson, who is an industrial designer / vehicle concept artist, should cover almost everything.
Make sure to follow the exercises.

Satan 22/05/02(Mon)22:37 No. 18266 ID: 108569

Nice art, Ryan.
Too bad Derek has no skills.

The+Red+Barron 22/05/16(Mon)09:27 No. 18272 ID: 7cb4c3

Damn, that fucking tractor on the cover is epic

Roulette JackJackson 22/04/15(Fri)13:18 No. 18263 ID: a1b75d [Reply]

File sc.you - (0B )

Guys, I need advice. I like to play roulette and I always think about how to make my game safer. You can earn money on it if you are a disciplined gambler. I usually play using this casino https://onlinecasinosrealmoneycanada.com/ if it's important. So smart guys, I'm waiting for you in my thread.

Writing on public park grass fields? Anonymous 21/12/30(Thu)11:37 No. 17991 ID: 706068 [Reply]

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What is the best way to write on a public park grass field? (I'm not thinking about proper lawns nor meadows for grazing.)

Methods that I won't even consider is plant-killer chemicals, burning or even cutting the grass. So what's left is planting flowers and/or fertilizing the field.

So what's the best seeds, fertilizer and deliver method?

Anonymous 21/12/30(Thu)12:01 No. 17992 ID: 222f1b

I think people have done similar shit with moss. I have no idea how you would go about growing moss as they don't even have seeds.

Anonymous 21/12/31(Fri)08:13 No. 17993 ID: 3a437e

And moss grows slowly and only on lichens. But maybe some kind of fertilizer and seed mix? I want the seeds to sprout so quick that birds doesn't have time to eat them.

certain people from India who fire you because you are not in their caste justice987 21/12/08(Wed)00:43 No. 17950 ID: 602775 [Reply]

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Thanks to Harvard we are now allowed to talk about how certain people from India will fire you because you are not in their caste. Look at your company org chart and you will mostly see managers from india only seem to hire other people from india that are in their caste. There are some smart people from India but this racist behavior has to go. tps://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/harvard-adds-caste-bias-protections-graduate-student-workers-rcna7279

Anonymous 21/12/09(Thu)11:05 No. 17953 ID: 1c6e63

>certain people from India will fire you because you are not in their caste
>only seem to hire other people from india that are in their caste
Self-contradiction. It was about dalits.

>There are some smart people from India but this racist behavior has to go.
You can be both smart and a castist.

And here's a working link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/harvard-adds-caste-bias-protections-graduate-student-workers-rcna7279

Math is wack. Americium 21/10/11(Mon)19:07 No. 17837 ID: d2a5e8 [Reply]

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Just as Cantor's theorem shows there is no set of all sets, there is also no set containing all truths.

Or to put it another way: it's a truth that all truths can't be collected up into a totality.


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Americium 21/10/13(Wed)00:01 No. 17842 ID: d2a5e8


No wait, I might have misspoken my second part:

That being said, I still stand by my point that I wouldn't want to work in any set theory without a set of functions between any two sets.

Anonymous 21/11/10(Wed)03:56 No. 17896 ID: 586542

I don't buy this argument
consider a finite set {1,2}
then 1 is in {1} {1,2} and not in {2} {null}
and 2 is in {2} {1,2} and not in {1} {null}
The powersets are generated by the elements of the set.
This is like saying that there is no vector space basis of primes (2,0...)x1+(0,3,...)x2+(0,0,5,...)x3+... = v = (2,3,5,7,...)

Americium!Metal3G/gs 21/11/12(Fri)05:07 No. 17899 ID: d2a5e8

Do go on.

US Nuclear site whitepapers? Anonymous 21/10/17(Sun)16:48 No. 17852 ID: 3f0b94 [Reply]

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For information on the design of a US NRC licensed power plant/reactor design, what should I look for? I would like to learn about the engineering of nuclear power facilities beyond some overall "big fucking waterheater" descriptions.

Anonymous 21/10/18(Mon)13:24 No. 17856 ID: 72c0e7

You mean technical schematics, sorry but those are classified.

Now Chernobyl, that's another thing, there's plenty of technical schematics floating around because it's totted as a "what not to do".

Huge numbers. Really huge Anonymous 21/09/19(Sun)09:24 No. 17798 ID: b04a98 [Reply]

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How many *bits* does it take to correctly represent a 200-million digit number?

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Anonymous 21/10/01(Fri)05:04 No. 17824 ID: 126958

Oops. LOL. No KNOWN primes longer than 83 million bits.

Anonymous 21/10/09(Sat)22:47 No. 17834 ID: d2a5e8

A little off-topic, but if you guys like extremely huge (finite) numbers, check out this youtube playlist:

Anonymous 21/10/10(Sun)18:05 No. 17836 ID: 220f76

Thanks! :-)

MATHS AND PHYSICS HELP Anonymous 20/06/25(Thu)23:01 No. 16936 ID: d51c3d [Reply]

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Hello /sci/, newfag here. I want to selfstudy Math,Statistics,Physics. I've bought bunch of SAT and AP books on those topics. Do you have anything to suggest? Any resource would be appreciated.

Wolfram Alpha DrGonzy!!WvAwV4MTHk 20/06/27(Sat)21:12 No. 16937 ID: fb30bf

I have been told this site is quite useful for math and engineering students.


Anonymous 21/09/15(Wed)11:03 No. 17791 ID: a90f2c

after the understanding of pemdas. the best thing you can do is MEMORIZE identities/ where identities are coins, the coins being equations, and the faces the sides. these dualities can exist in flux while the parts are in place. after you memorize these you must cement them in your mind... for they are the math you seek to understand.

its unpleasant but math is a language of intuition. and probably the hardest to grasp.

Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)14:49 No. 17053 ID: ef3a67 [Reply]

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Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

You even mention that 70,000 years of evolutionary divergence in separate environments MIGHT have played a role in differing powers of intellect and reason and you're basically blackballed.

20 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 21/04/21(Wed)21:11 No. 17462 ID: c92f2d

>IQ is used as a measure of intelligence by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists across all ages
Considering it has zero purpose but to classify and label people (you can't improve your IQ), knowing it doesn't help adults do anything. It would be like saying that a person's fingerprints are "used" by psychiatrists and psychologists. They are not, and IQ is not.

Anonymous 21/05/14(Fri)21:01 No. 17540 ID: 4c24c2

It helps inform public policy decisions, and may be used by high IQs to interact with low IQs in such a way that they benefit from the exchange.
It is far easier to push oppressive policies on a segment of the population that literally lacks the capability for coherent thought.

Anonymous 21/06/17(Thu)23:37 No. 17671 ID: 96fcaa

Everyone know the gap exists and that race plays a role, it's just that no one wants to get Watsoned


Blinding laser weapons Anonymous 21/06/03(Thu)23:47 No. 17614 ID: 54a03f [Reply]

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I like laser weapons that blind people. Do you?

Anonymous 21/06/04(Fri)05:57 No. 17615 ID: cf9d5b

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This isn't science, engineering, nor maths.

Anonymous 21/06/07(Mon)02:20 No. 17631 ID: a0cb60

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Yes it is

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