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certain people from India who fire you because you are not in their caste justice987 21/12/08(Wed)00:43 No. 17950 ID: 602775

File 163892061277.jpg - (28.36KB , 361x425 , death of american engineers.jpg )

Thanks to Harvard we are now allowed to talk about how certain people from India will fire you because you are not in their caste. Look at your company org chart and you will mostly see managers from india only seem to hire other people from india that are in their caste. There are some smart people from India but this racist behavior has to go. tps://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/harvard-adds-caste-bias-protections-graduate-student-workers-rcna7279

Anonymous 21/12/09(Thu)11:05 No. 17953 ID: 1c6e63

>certain people from India will fire you because you are not in their caste
>only seem to hire other people from india that are in their caste
Self-contradiction. It was about dalits.

>There are some smart people from India but this racist behavior has to go.
You can be both smart and a castist.

And here's a working link: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/harvard-adds-caste-bias-protections-graduate-student-workers-rcna7279

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