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Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)14:49 No. 17053 ID: ef3a67

File 160570739458.jpg - (382.42KB , 843x843 , adoptionstudy.jpg )

Why is the racial intelligence gap so taboo?

You even mention that 70,000 years of evolutionary divergence in separate environments MIGHT have played a role in differing powers of intellect and reason and you're basically blackballed.

Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)18:03 No. 17054 ID: 13789f

Because the majority of those studies exclude a significant amount of contributing factors.

Take your cited Minnesota Trans-racial Adoptive Study; there is no comparative sample of children raised by equally advantaged black families. There's also the history of the children to consider, were they all put into care at the same age, raised equally and adopted at the same age? And what of the social environment they were placed into?

A white child raised by whites where the socially dominant culture is white-orientated is going to have a significantly different experience to a child that is black.

Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)18:06 No. 17055 ID: e9c9c9

I never said there weren’t other factors. I just said that even considering race/genetics as a factor is enough to get you blackballed IE James Watson

Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)18:24 No. 17056 ID: be6f8f

Obviously the answer is because it's a politically incorrect issue and nobody wants to appear racist.

Anonymous 20/11/18(Wed)21:58 No. 17057 ID: ef3a67

Science is supposed to be objective.

Anonymous 20/11/19(Thu)07:35 No. 17058 ID: 6c322e

true but science is also done by people. squishy, fallible people.

Anonymous 20/11/19(Thu)12:22 No. 17059 ID: be6f8f

Yes, and since science is done by people, if your results point to real race differences it's remarkably easy for morons to accuse you of inserting that interpretation yourself, therefore making you racist.

Anonymous 20/11/20(Fri)12:47 No. 17061 ID: c4f1ca

Many reasons.

First, you should check out those who are most interested in that theory and their political agenda.

Second, you should take cultural differences into account. Such as the fact that US "black" culture is really redneck culture from the british isles.

Third, you should take environmental factors into account. Such as malnourishment, bad law enforcement or even leaded gasoline.

Anonymous 20/11/21(Sat)01:33 No. 17067 ID: ef3a67


Whether or not there's a perceived agenda does not negate the fact that the gap exists and does not disappear when controlling for other factors.

Anonymous 20/11/21(Sat)03:48 No. 17068 ID: 13789f

>Whether or not there's a perceived agenda does not negate the fact that the gap exists and does not disappear when controlling for other factors.
And now we're back to >>17054
None of these studies control and account for the other factors. And in doing so they fall into the fallacy of correlation=/=causation.

Anonymous 20/11/21(Sat)15:46 No. 17069 ID: ef3a67

I never said there weren't other factors. Pay attention son.

Correlation != causation goes both ways. Just because they're poor and do worse academically doesn't mean that being poor is the cause. Just because they've suffered systemic racism and do worse academically doesn't mean systemic racism is the cause.

Try not being a hypocrite

Anonymous 20/11/24(Tue)05:34 No. 17070 ID: bd4aac

You have groups of people growing up in isolation in vastly different environments with completely different survival strategies, over the course of thousands of generations of darwinian trials. Are we honestly just supposed to pretend that physiological differentiation after Africa stopped at the shoulders?

We literally know of multiple genes which significantly influence intelligence (and behavior), and we know their population frequencies.

You people are insufferable with your inability to consider socially sensitive issues with any degree of rationality.

Everyone wants to externalize blame to the environment in support of the dangerous blank slate delusion, when the relevant background unambiguously shows culture and, yes, genes, play at least equal roles in inequity. These are the bountiful fruits of the long march through the institutions. This is your brain on critical theory.

Anonymous 20/11/24(Tue)13:00 No. 17071 ID: 13789f

>We literally know of multiple genes which significantly influence intelligence (and behavior), and we know their population frequencies.

Anonymous 20/11/24(Tue)23:56 No. 17075 ID: 4dd5f4

Because statistics can be manipulated to say anything.

Because these differences are so minute as to be within error margins.

Because all variables cannot be accounted for.

Because the differences between any two individuals is always going to be larger than between two groups.

Because IQ is not an accurate measure of intelligence.

Because IQ was designed to measure children's learning level, so means fuck-all for adults.

Because intelligence with such small differences is not an accurate determinant of life success or worth to society.

In a nutshell: the reason this is blackballed is because it serves literally no purpose other than being used as white supremacy propaganda.

Anonymous 21/03/16(Tue)18:48 No. 17374 ID: 1600ba

If we're going there, then it's worthwhile to point out that the average poor american white, according to FBI crime statistics, commits substantially less crime per capita than the average poor black. Additionally, the average redneck is actually more intelligent than the average poor black. So while socioeconomic factors certainly do exist, they aren't the whole picture.

Anonymous 21/03/16(Tue)18:51 No. 17375 ID: 1600ba

Alternative hypothesis: niggers are fucking dumb.

Anonymous 21/03/17(Wed)02:21 No. 17376 ID: 3e0e54


Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)06:58 No. 17379 ID: 666f1a

The best predictor of crime is by zipcode, and due to redlining and gentrification, blacks tend to get shoved into the worst neighborhoods and are prevented from leaving for generations.

And "redneck" is not a race or a social group or anything the census could even track. This means that any statistics about them are nonsense. I strongly suspect you made that one up entirely.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)14:26 No. 17381 ID: e8677d

Women statistically speaking have smaller brains but since they are a majority (54% of the world is women) they have no guilt in lying to you.

Anonymous 21/04/15(Thu)06:39 No. 17455 ID: ddba34

Where are you getting this from? IQ is used as a measure of intelligence by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists across all ages. Also the difference in IQ between races is statistically and practically significant.

Anonymous 21/04/15(Thu)06:39 No. 17456 ID: ddba34

Where are you getting this from? IQ is used as a measure of intelligence by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists across all ages. Also the difference in IQ between races is statistically and practically significant.

Anonymous 21/04/21(Wed)21:11 No. 17462 ID: c92f2d

>IQ is used as a measure of intelligence by psychiatrists and clinical psychologists across all ages
Considering it has zero purpose but to classify and label people (you can't improve your IQ), knowing it doesn't help adults do anything. It would be like saying that a person's fingerprints are "used" by psychiatrists and psychologists. They are not, and IQ is not.

Anonymous 21/05/14(Fri)21:01 No. 17540 ID: 4c24c2

It helps inform public policy decisions, and may be used by high IQs to interact with low IQs in such a way that they benefit from the exchange.
It is far easier to push oppressive policies on a segment of the population that literally lacks the capability for coherent thought.

Anonymous 21/06/17(Thu)23:37 No. 17671 ID: 96fcaa

Everyone know the gap exists and that race plays a role, it's just that no one wants to get Watsoned


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