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Writing on public park grass fields? Anonymous 21/12/30(Thu)11:37 No. 17991 ID: 706068

File 164086067284.jpg - (71.80KB , 900x900 , original_personalised-lawn-grass-wall-writing.jpg )

What is the best way to write on a public park grass field? (I'm not thinking about proper lawns nor meadows for grazing.)

Methods that I won't even consider is plant-killer chemicals, burning or even cutting the grass. So what's left is planting flowers and/or fertilizing the field.

So what's the best seeds, fertilizer and deliver method?

Anonymous 21/12/30(Thu)12:01 No. 17992 ID: 222f1b

I think people have done similar shit with moss. I have no idea how you would go about growing moss as they don't even have seeds.

Anonymous 21/12/31(Fri)08:13 No. 17993 ID: 3a437e

And moss grows slowly and only on lichens. But maybe some kind of fertilizer and seed mix? I want the seeds to sprout so quick that birds doesn't have time to eat them.

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