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, Parmenides.jpg
>Be me, Parmenides, ancient Greek philosopher
>Spent years pondering the nature of reality and existence
>People think I'm crazy for claiming that only "Being" is real
>Decide to prove them wrong
>Walk into a local marketplace and start questioning everything
>"Is this stall real? Is this fruit real? Is anything real?"
>Confuse the merchants and shoppers with my deep thoughts
>They think I'm just some weird guy with a beard
>Continue with my philosophical inquiries
>"If change is an illusion, does that mean I can eat infinite gyros?"
>People give me strange looks and back away slowly
>Decide to take a break and go to a nearby tavern
>Get into a debate with some drunk dudes about the nature of truth
>We end up philosophizing over pints of ale
>People start to gather around, fascinated by our discussion
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