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What are the main points against solipsism phill 23/05/30(Tue)03:04 No. 15295 ID: 611190

I dont see how it can be proven or disproven but im really interested in what counters are given to it

Anonymous 23/06/04(Sun)02:31 No. 15301 ID: e8318a

Nsync has five part harmonies

Anonymous 23/06/15(Thu)19:58 No. 15309 ID: 049bc8

Soyjak memes and challenges to their sexuality

Anonymous 23/07/02(Sun)21:50 No. 15311 ID: 01f14d

Yes why?
On the side note, did not ask of your political views.

Left yes.

Let us get started now.
People had inherited names.
You would take on your fathers name.
Sometimes people reinvented the same name.
It was never stolen.
Therefore last names were invented yes.
They describe an job or evolvmenthereof such.
In any way, people develop.
Bad traits are also therefore inherited as extra points.
Naive people store much iron.
Use that.

Anonymous 23/07/06(Thu)04:38 No. 15314 ID: aa727a

Aint no lie, baby bye bye bye

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