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Philosophy Parmenides 23/05/31(Wed)18:45 No. 15297 ID: 34b284

File 168555152217.jpg - (110.94KB , 1080x822 , Parmenides.jpg )

>Be me, Parmenides, ancient Greek philosopher
>Spent years pondering the nature of reality and existence
>People think I'm crazy for claiming that only "Being" is real
>Decide to prove them wrong
>Walk into a local marketplace and start questioning everything
>"Is this stall real? Is this fruit real? Is anything real?"
>Confuse the merchants and shoppers with my deep thoughts
>They think I'm just some weird guy with a beard
>Continue with my philosophical inquiries
>"If change is an illusion, does that mean I can eat infinite gyros?"
>People give me strange looks and back away slowly
>Decide to take a break and go to a nearby tavern
>Get into a debate with some drunk dudes about the nature of truth
>We end up philosophizing over pints of ale
>People start to gather around, fascinated by our discussion
>Become the center of attention, the wise philosopher at the tavern
>Hours later, still deep in conversation, we all realize we're hungry
>Everyone turns to me and asks, "Parmenides, where should we get food?"
>I smile and say, "Only one place exists: the best gyro joint in town!"
>The crowd erupts in laughter and we all head to the gyro joint together
>Enjoying delicious gyros and lively philosophical discussions late into the night

Anonymous 23/05/31(Wed)21:54 No. 15299 ID: 7ec9ca

Look man, I'll be honest with you - that's pretty deep.

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