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Anonymous 21/04/13(Tue)18:34 No. 14733 ID: d39890

File 161833167676.png - (108.88KB , 323x390 , ignore_abuse.png )

Something seems off to me about this.
It's basically saying abuse should be ignored, and that those that engage in accountability-based reasoning or deterrent reasoning are weak.
That doesn't make a lick of sense.
Sounds like the motto of a predator.

Anonymous 21/05/21(Fri)12:52 No. 14750 ID: 33172f

Likely he is speaking from the position of wanting to be unimpeded by the actions of others as much as possible. By ignoring things that are meant to harm you, you reduce the total number of threats and obstacles in your life to only those things which can't be ignored. There is some danger in it, "You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." (Ayn Rand), but it's likely that people on average ascribe TOO much significance to things rather than too little.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:19 No. 14767 ID: 9f80eb

Jey Capstile

Anonymous 21/05/26(Wed)06:56 No. 14768 ID: 9679d6

This is just a quote from einstein. He surely doesn't mean it. People that take that too to heart create problems in people. Also yes it means you ignore obvious problems in the world to save yourself. It's unethical.

Anonymous 23/07/30(Sun)00:01 No. 15323 ID: 591030

These are the people whom allow promotion of violence/conflict as virtue

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