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/lit/ - Literature
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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

19/04/24(Wed)11:11 No. 17974 [Reply]

File 155609710661.jpg - (74.49KB , 298x435 , a_farewell_to_arms_0.jpg )

This is book

19/04/24(Wed)23:23 No. 17975

It's pretty good.

19/05/08(Wed)07:49 No. 17978

I like the stories by Hemingway. He has own writing style. I work on essay now on topic Why I like E.Hemingway. I tried to write this composition by myself and get high score. Usually I get help from essay writing services like https://edusson.com/

19/05/29(Wed)08:01 No. 17992

Fuck off fucking faggot cunt

Literature Chaykec 19/05/29(Wed)07:26 No. 17990 [Reply]

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Read my porn look up Jake Cardwell on kindle
Anyone else published online?

19/05/29(Wed)07:59 No. 17991


Opinions on this poetic short story? Mike 17/10/27(Fri)23:06 No. 17843 [Reply]

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"Desirables' Last Journal Entries"

Reads similar to rap verses.. thats just how i write.

19/05/09(Thu)08:11 No. 17979

your poem sounds cool

19/05/09(Thu)09:24 No. 17980

I like to read different kinds of poems written by non-professional writers. I do not write any stuff because I am bad in it and often use writing services like https://edusson.com/pay-for-research-paper for writing my research papers and esssays

Yachts of Cocaine buttholz 19/05/05(Sun)22:26 No. 17977 [Reply]

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Yachts, Cocaine, Bikinis, Cinnabons, Imperial Space Lizards, Martians, Squid, Monsters that are Beavers, Cyborgs, Seagulls, lube, etc in this one.

Ancient Novel 17/06/05(Mon)22:51 No. 17818 [Reply]

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Currently reading the 11th book of the Golden Ass for class, overrated piece of asinine shit that it is... Apuleius now gets a 12 vol. commentary (Groningen), with each miserable expression getting about 2 pages of notes on average. That's twice as much as Kirk & Edward's HOMER. The whole thing would on my estimate weigh about 48 pounds; not at all bad for a Madurian fucking upstart. Aristonicus be damned.
Philologists and "Classicists" can't seem to get enough of him, I haven't an inkling why. His latin is as perturbed as a contortionist orgy, heaping senseless upon senseless participles, florid adjectives that you can't even tell aren't substantives half the time, almost disposing of reasonable syntax - let alone periodic structure! And of course the literature isn't worth it. All this kitschy, baroque tripe, used to express the stupidest banalities in the most roundabout way possible (like in the proem with the horse... has an entire book on it btw, from Brill); a stylistic crambe repetita that makes the Declamator's plight in Juvenal seem enviable.
But how well I would've liked for the commentators to flock around this piece just because of the linguistic difficulty and the endless use of figures. They seem to be more interested in the CONTENTS, for god's sake! What a queer thing is the academic zeitgeist. I mean, it must be his salaciousness, lack of moral standards and insipid spirituality that really gets to them.

And I guess all this talk about the Ancient Novel really serves very little else. Aren't these just all mediocre, self-indulgent romances? I concede that the Ancients' had probably achieved something far greater than the Moderns ever had with poetry, history, oratory and even plain intelligent prose; but novels were an inferior literary style, and hence what we got is worthless. Petronius might be the only one who doesn't make for an insufferable read, but even he is just so vicious.
What do you think? Would the intelligent reader really miss that much if he or she'll jump straight to Boccacio?

17/06/13(Tue)16:19 No. 17819

The reasen why the golden ass gets so much attention is because no other complete latin novel survives.
Sure it's not that good, but if it's all there is, what are you gonna do about it?

17/10/14(Sat)05:09 No. 17838

Genjimonogatari is to old to be ancient?

Daoism book depressedbuddha 18/04/25(Wed)02:57 No. 17872 [Reply]

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The Method of Holding the Three Ones: A Taoist Manual of Meditation of the Fourth Century A.D.
By Poul Andersen
ISBN-13: 978-0700701131
ISBN-10: 0700701133

Further information: https://www.amazon.com/Method-Holding-Three-Ones-D/dp/0700701133

Went looking for it already on libgen, #bookz, #ebooks

19/04/15(Mon)17:08 No. 17966

interesting book for reading, i think

19/04/15(Mon)17:12 No. 17967

Daosism is one of the interesting religious and philosophical trends from China. I prepare materials for my paper connected to this trend. I apply for help to uk.edusson.com

18/04/04(Wed)13:13 No. 17867 [Reply]

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Where the fuck can I find a copy of Almost Transparent Blue of Ryu Murakami in English? I can’t find it anywhere online

18/04/04(Wed)22:20 No. 17869

Amazon, maybe?

18/07/19(Thu)12:08 No. 17894

There is one in the "Post some goddamn books" sticky

Yes 18/04/12(Thu)20:52 No. 17870 [Reply]

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Can anybody help me. I'm looking for a book, but i cant find it no matter how hard I try.
It's name: Mathematics for everyman.
Author: Egmont Colerus

Help. Please.

18/12/19(Wed)18:21 No. 17921

nice book

Great spot to download books - Mobilism Sharklops 13/10/26(Sat)18:29 No. 17029 [Reply]

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I imagine most people know about it but if not, the Mobilism forums are a great place for downloading ebooks.. you can make requests as well and often will end up finding stuff there that you can't wrangle up anywhere else:


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18/02/08(Thu)09:17 No. 17858

Some story type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

Some horror type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

Some philosophy type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

18/02/09(Fri)10:54 No. 17859

Here's how to convert Audible books into .MP3 files for yourself; please do consider providing your Audiobooks back in return.

The following .ZIP has two important applications in it and a folder titled "STEPS" with images; this is really easy to do.

0. Install the yellow Audible application. You won't need to do anything with this just yet; there's not even a sign- in.
Install the application named "BLACK" that looks similar. This is in German though we'll return to that.

1. Go to Audible.com .
To the far left it'll read "Library" and hovering over that reveals "My Books", click that.
Here there's a listing of all your books with misc details on them. Press the "DOWNLOAD" tab to the far right of each book.

2. Doing this will rigth away open the Audible application and start downloading a .AAX file to the Audible application itself.
When that finishes press the "Downloads Folder" button so you can find that .AAX file.

Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Kostas 18/05/12(Sat)21:18 No. 17876

could someone upload ''I walk in two worlds: the tale of an unlikely pornographer'' by Lyle Mcdonald?

Stalker 17/08/21(Mon)02:33 No. 17830 [Reply]

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Is there a sci-fi book out there that gives off a feeling like the one pic related film gives? If yes, please recommend me some.

17/10/23(Mon)22:47 No. 17840

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The Stand honestly comes to mind. For much of its length it's too directed and eventful to have that vibe, but for dozens and sometimes hundreds of pages at a time it involves very small groups of people moving through empty country and confronting various mysteries and hazards, always with some far off goal they don't quite understand.

Very minor spoilers: The outbreak section of the book ends around page 200, and there's one very difficult journey through empty land near the end of the book.

I'll add that the first Dark Tower book does not have this feel at all even though it's also about one, two, maybe three people moving slowly and sometimes aimlessly through a wasteland. This is probably because it's peppered with interesting and dramatic flashbacks, and the scenery is too interesting. The Stand has a mundane quality about it, mostly familiar settings.

You might also enjoy Winterlong by Elizabeth Hand, though in addition to the stalking there's a lot of drama that plays out in the ruined museums and other landmarks of Washington, DC and the surrounding area.

What did you think of Roadside Picnic?

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