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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Great spot to download books - Mobilism Sharklops 13/10/26(Sat)18:29 No. 17029

File 138280494145.png - (319.25KB , 512x512 , books-icon-512.png )

I imagine most people know about it but if not, the Mobilism forums are a great place for downloading ebooks.. you can make requests as well and often will end up finding stuff there that you can't wrangle up anywhere else:


18/02/08(Thu)09:15 No. 17857

Here's the PasteBin to a great audiobook thread on 4Chan's /t/ Torrents board.
here's the PasteBin I made for it. https://pastebin.com/HrfA78sB

18/02/08(Thu)09:17 No. 17858

Some story type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

Some horror type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

Some philosophy type audiobooks on Google Drive for streaming/downloading.

18/02/09(Fri)10:54 No. 17859

Here's how to convert Audible books into .MP3 files for yourself; please do consider providing your Audiobooks back in return.

The following .ZIP has two important applications in it and a folder titled "STEPS" with images; this is really easy to do.

0. Install the yellow Audible application. You won't need to do anything with this just yet; there's not even a sign- in.
Install the application named "BLACK" that looks similar. This is in German though we'll return to that.

1. Go to Audible.com .
To the far left it'll read "Library" and hovering over that reveals "My Books", click that.
Here there's a listing of all your books with misc details on them. Press the "DOWNLOAD" tab to the far right of each book.

2. Doing this will rigth away open the Audible application and start downloading a .AAX file to the Audible application itself.
When that finishes press the "Downloads Folder" button so you can find that .AAX file.

3. Open the BLACK application and press that damn "Durchsuchen" button and find that .AAX file. With this your Audible book is now an .MP3, friend!

Kostas 18/05/12(Sat)21:18 No. 17876

could someone upload ''I walk in two worlds: the tale of an unlikely pornographer'' by Lyle Mcdonald?

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