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Books recommendation request Blossom 22/10/11(Tue)17:33 No. 18298 [Reply]

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Can yall give me books recommendation of obsessed girlfriend who kills her bf because of how she loves him, vibes as in this picture, thank you

1 post and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Densel 23/01/18(Wed)22:20 No. 18338

that's actually not a bad category just make sure the books don't side with the boyfriend or the lucky attractive girl that gets everything she wants easily

morning mishakolin 23/01/20(Fri)08:38 No. 18339


23/01/23(Mon)14:11 No. 18341

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There has to be a manga that covers this

13/05/22(Wed)02:42 No. 16892 [Reply]

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I am a writefag and need inspiration for a story. Tell me, what should I write about?

9 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
22/12/19(Mon)14:31 No. 18328

A murder mystery with a corpse torn up by dogs

23/01/13(Fri)21:53 No. 18337

I recommend reading the Gaia online comic book. Inspired me to kill myself, never looked back

The+Red+Barron 23/01/22(Sun)09:56 No. 18340

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topkek m8

Jacopo ortis 19/04/22(Mon)11:22 No. 17971 [Reply]

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So I am reading this,I'm about halfway through.What am I thinking of it,/lit/?
Imo,I'm thinking that a good part of it is boring,and that good part is the muh romance shit.Yes okay we get it you love her and you're sad because you can't have her.WE FUCKING GET IT NO NEED TO GO ON ABOUT IT FOR DOZENS OF PAGES.The political parts are more interesting.

william thompson 22/12/28(Wed)06:37 No. 18331

The story of unrequited love is always sad. I think the guy needs to see a psychologist.

22/12/28(Wed)23:20 No. 18333

Imagine if every other page he tried to meet some new girl while his neighbors screamed "Go Outside" and "Get a Real Job" every ten seconds instead

Ah, dating. Honestly women are terrible from every side in the modern world. Bad single, bad dating, bad together.

Self Publishers thread, list em. Robnessロブネス 18/09/03(Mon)18:23 No. 17899 [Reply]

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I'll start,

Title: Memphis Megahertz and the Kansas City Fractal

What: Techno-Coffeetable/quote style book, follows 2 nostalgic computer systems through a Virtual American Empire.

Where: Amazon Sept. 7

PDF preview-download?: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FkK0NRe59EK2Chnw-lid6UToX3jweiKD/view?usp=sharing

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
BrickLodbrock 19/02/22(Fri)18:04 No. 17950

I liked the book. Glad I saw it here. I was most interested in quotes, and I used many of them in my essay. By the way, I received help in writing here https://gpalabs.com/. I hope i can look for more interesting quotes there

mattress cleaning advice Alexandr0 22/12/27(Tue)14:28 No. 18330

Give advice on cleaning mattresses at home.

22/12/28(Wed)23:18 No. 18332

You can use carpet shampooers on them

The Book that Made You a Reader 18/10/17(Wed)16:26 No. 17903 [Reply]

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The first book that enthralled you, the one you couldn't put down, and that made you an avid reader. This was it for me. The way the author you go from the perspective of a general, to describing an epic battle, to going to the story of your average soldier or sailor captured me and I've been an avid reader ever since.

6 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
fashion j lo jackets 19/05/23(Thu)10:19 No. 17986

Stunning, brilliant site design! To what extent have you been blogging for? you made blogging look simple. The general look of your site is magnificent, and additionally the substance!. Much obliged For Your work.

19/08/23(Fri)20:44 No. 18016

Been looking for a PDF thread and couldn't find one on the first, and don't want to bring one from the dead so here
I've been looking for a PDF for Anthropology of Evil by David Parkin. in exchange I have The Oxford Handbook of Contextual Political Analysis, it's good so far
(tried uploading PDF but file was too large)

21/06/28(Mon)20:12 No. 18198

Wow what a coincidence that's the same for me. First book I read cover to cover. My grandfather who was in the first wave of Omaha Beach gave it to me after we watched the 1960s movie adaptation of it. He didn't speak for the entire film, when It was over he looked down at me and said, "That's not quite how I remember it." He gave me his copy of this book a few days later.

I always wondered what he would have made of Saving private Ryan?

20th Century History books General thread 14/11/06(Thu)03:32 No. 17352 [Reply]

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Note: I apologize if the "attention grabbing" picture in this post offends anybody, I will explain why I used this picture at the bottom of this post.

This is a thread for books and (youtube) videos on the history of the 20th century, focusing especially on the period of chaos and world-wide warfare that started with the Russo-Japanese war in 1904 and ended with the fall of Communism and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991.

I would like the focus of this thread to be on what professional historians call "Primary Source Documents", which means the books were written by people who were actually there and were actually involved in what was happening at the time. So good examples of the kind of books I'm looking for are:

(1) A book on World War 1 or World War 2, written by an actual general or soldier who fought in WW1 or WW2 (ideally explaining things such as the cause of the war, why they were fighting, etc).

(2) A book on a political doctrine written by the founder of the doctrine (i.e. a book on Stalinism written by Stalin, a book on Fascism written by Mussolini, a book on National Socialism written by an actual German Nazi, etc. etc.).

(3) If the book isn't a primary source document itself, then its ok as long as the book has lots of scholarly footnotes and citations that can lead you to other primary source documents.

The book in the picture in this post is a book on economics that was written in 1919 by German economist Gottfried Feder, see:

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14/11/06(Thu)03:37 No. 17353

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Ok, attached to this post is an actual pdf of the book by Gottfried Feder that was alluded to in my first post (like I said before, I think reading this book is key to understanding the causes of World War 2).

This pdf book used to be hosted on archive.org but I think Hasbara attempted to take this book offline to censor it, and I am against the censorship of books (regardless whether the author was George Orwell, Gottfried Feder, or anybody else).

So I have attached a pdf of the Gottfried Feder book on "Breaking Debt Interest Slavery" to this post. More primary source documents on 20th century history (maybe some books on Marxism or Communism or American style liberal democracy and capitalism) will probably be uploaded in this thread later.

Prophetic Judgments.pdf 22/08/23(Tue)15:26 No. 18282 [Reply]

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Prophetic Judgments.pdf

Many prophetic judgments concerning God's judgment on many wicked people and organizations.


22/08/23(Tue)16:59 No. 18283

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I can't open the 3rd page and most the information overlaps from the first two (in fact probably all but I didn't read the whole thing). How is this information valid? How gave this divine certification?

Yes it is harder for a ship's rope to be passed through a needle's eye, yet in the Gospels it didn't not say the richest of people will be judged and damned.

Don't get me wrong I know this will happen, they're so very far outside of what should be allowed and make people suffer. There are few of the wealthy that have or seek gnosis, or perform catechism, or calculate exegesis so despite them gathering wealth the do not accept or look to accept God.

15/03/27(Fri)08:06 No. 17409 [Reply]

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Hello, /lit/erates.

Could I have some constructive criticism? I accidentally wrote an overly involved thing while responding in a thread. It might have potential?


I grew up in an extremely Southern Baptist household, which meant that I also grew up thinking that ritual cannibalism and live burial wasn't weird. You may take every stereotype you're now thinking of and then apply it to the first ten years of my existence. Young earthers high on Jesus, the Spirit, dodgy epistemology, and an ensuing even dodgier understanding of the hard sciences. We were the chosen few and demons crept in every shadow. Little hawks that knew it was the most noble to join the service of our country (for She was Blessed) or the Lord. Perhaps they were the same thing.

It was a gradual descent from this all-consuming light, but eventually when my eyes adjusted to the dark I was quite dissatisfied with the gaps in my knowledge re: reality. I hid textbooks I stole from the public high school in the ceiling of my church's youthroom. They supplemented and frankly surpassed my homeschooling on the four days of the week I was there. It was a simple matter to stand on stacked chairs and poke a ceiling tile aside with a yardstick. There was no insulation in that layer, which was fortunate.

I still love mythology. When people talk about their gods, they talk about themselves, except for when they talk about their government or dreams or truth. It's ugly and fascinating.


So, the homemade bomb club is a result of zero parental supervision, mutually enabling pyromania, and unscrupulous fireworks stands.
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15/04/09(Thu)01:29 No. 17415

Psh, Pshaw! You Southern Baptists with your organized national structure and you're endless efforts to mollify the PC Psychos; how can you summon up the gall to actually classify yourself fundamentalists? Now, I grew up in a zealot Missionary Baptist household in the rural South, and my only contact with Outside Civilization was our trips to the nearest vice-filled City...a cotton-farming burg of maybe a thousand souls, sixteen miles away; we made this journey three or four times a year for the first sixteen years of my life. Yes, William Faulkner wrote stories about boys like me.

Which didn't mean that by the time I was fifteen I hadn't decided that all that religious fluffernutter that had been ramrodded down my throat was complete bullshit; I kept my incipient Atheism to myself until I was big enough and fast enough to outrun my Dad if he decided to kill me...and to whip him if he did manage to catch me. The folks never really accepted my (lack of) beliefs, though; vindictive people, Baptists.

As for a critique of your written account, I am really left not knowing what to make of it; how is growing up in a repressive, fanatical household (which I can sympathize with) have to do with your delvings into the exciting and colorful world of Improvised Explosives (which I can also sympathize with)? What we have is a beginning and an end (just like in the Bible, remember; "I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA..."), with nothing connecting the two. We go from Prayer Meeting to pipe-bombs. We need another two chapters, maybe more, to tie the narrative together into a whole.

I would be interested in reading the completed tale. I will leave you with words spoken to me often during the tail-end of my formative years, "Kill a Commie for Mommy" (for whatever reason, my Mom never developed any true-blue, red-blooded affection for this sentiment; Baptists...go figure.)

15/04/21(Tue)03:25 No. 17419

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Seems a little long winded. Know what I mean? The prose is good, nice and meaty. Add a dash a dash of youthful desperation, synthesize a story arc, maybe give it a little more scope. Your experience is a relatable one, to me and doubtlessly many others, so if I were you I'd attempt to add a bit of something. A sinister suggestion of unanswered possibility perhaps. Pick an experience out of that vast wealth of sensory knowledge and supply it with that acidity you felt when you were knee deep in it and see what comes.

22/08/16(Tue)21:50 No. 18279


Ask the faggot prince anything T. Capote 22/07/22(Fri)20:00 No. 18269 [Reply]

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Well, you know, 7chan, I sometimes think about you. Now don't get ruffled I think about what you might want to talk about. Let's not get mad about anything just ask a few questions and I'll ask some of my own. Is that alright?

4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
22/07/24(Sun)07:05 No. 18275

ask me anything, broheim. I'm here for you.

22/08/01(Mon)18:35 No. 18276

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What would you call my fandom, Faggot Prince?

T. Capote 22/08/01(Mon)20:51 No. 18277

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You see I'm hoping you ask me some questions. It's the inquisitive mind which can, at times, if it may, stir up creative um
Whatever do you mean? You write books? That's news to me mheh heh. You see I have a very high IQ I've been writing since I was, oh, 17.

operetta solo The+Red+Barron 22/07/20(Wed)08:22 No. 18266 [Reply]

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Tempt not separate thorns
Let to selfish aspirations long
Without need for tempered custom
In thine growing season welcomed
Nectar and powder, pollen enthroned
Closed in thine perfect flowers fused
Destroying lily fields wondrous labor
Mended seeds produced bring neither
Lily's soft beauty or thorns walled brier
New monstrous terrors forests cannot hold
The plane soon taken in love's corrupt gold
The sweetest fruit new falling to Earth
The only tree soon to be of worth

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