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14/09/04(Thu)04:21 No. 17288

File 140979730768.jpg - (103.29KB , 392x574 , url.jpg )


So this is Gottfried's scream?

14/09/08(Mon)12:13 No. 17295

File 141017121228.gif - (646.73KB , 500x300 , Andy.gif )

you'll get there some day.

19/01/06(Sun)20:26 No. 17935

did you even read the book you retard?
You clearly just read the wikipedia page, Enzian is the one who fires the rocket at the end the Gottfried shit is a flashback.
pseud. how does the real 4chan actually have better discusssions of this book?

19/02/23(Sat)17:44 No. 17952

The point is that both at the same time:
Enzian/Blicero V-2, loops around to London
Firing of nuclear missle on LA

19/10/18(Fri)02:12 No. 18037

That's a nice looking cover. I know next to nothing about this book but I'll throw it on my Amazon to read list, why not? That thing never gets filled, objectively. It could be 700 books long and it wouldn't be filled. Book addiction is not a real thing. lol

23/01/23(Mon)14:14 No. 18343

File 167447968976.jpg - (152.39KB , 850x1240 , __drawn_by_restart__sample-e42090ce40089b295fc411f.jpg )

Why don't you read an instruction manual?

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