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Celsius ## Admin ## 09/12/28(Mon)07:43 No. 1 [Reply] Locked Stickied

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Now that this is a real board, it's time to lay down some rules:

1. Don't be a faggot

Thank you, and enjoy

Was Hitler Really Bad or Really Good? (Genuine Question) Sigma.akainu 24/04/26(Fri)06:10 No. 15693 [Reply]

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>ME 16

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Historian 24/12/22(Sun)17:05 No. 15720

The essential hurdle within Israel is the global support for a war without an enemy. Even pro-palestine side accepts these are "war crimes" by ignoring the fact that wars are had between two countries.

But rather than that, Israel gets to have a "war" like US "war against drugs" where the only government functionally responsible for civilians would in fact be the imposing state. In this case, Palestinians are israel's own civilians being genocided by its own de facto rulers, regardless of what name you give to the land, Israel or I dunno, ROC. Might as well be Republic of CHINA: Bureau of INDIAN Affairs is nowhere near Chinese border either. Nowhere near India. US plops these regimes where ever it pleases.

The routine of having and being "in war", without seeing a hint of a draft or declaration of one, is of course a hobby of the US voter at this point. It's just re-runs of Yellowstone to them. Even Breaking Bad hits close to home A LITTLE BIT, but a "media war" is just a consumable item.

Historian 24/12/22(Sun)17:19 No. 15721

It seems so poignant to me, how Israel-not-Palestine in 2023 had the combined violent death rate of 5 of its previous years combined. The poignant part is, it rose to the level of an average year in USA. Have the right or not, they're not defending itself.

2001 in USA was not much of a notch at all, especially not when compared to current day constantly rising numbers. Honestly, it seems that the then-dropping numbers more or less stabilized and didn't drop any lower after 2001.

Historian 25/02/18(Tue)01:35 No. 15730

He was an evil person who's insecurity led to mass murder. That's it.

Ukraine & Belarus (Belorussia) and their mythical nationalisms Historian 15/06/06(Sat)06:11 No. 14625 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Both Belarussian and Ukrainian nationalism are so misguided. They side with the Western, Latin occupiers (Poland, Lithuanian, Austria-Hungary) and ignore the fact that Belarussians and Ukrainians are part of Rus. They have more in common with the so called "Great Russians" of the Russian Federation than with Westerners.

Why is this? Why do they love their myths so much?

Nationalists lie, and one would be remiss to think that Russian nationalists are immune. But through a purely historical analysis, one can see the holes in the nationalist movements of Ukraine and Belarus. The departure from Rus which is present in both is not only a betrayal of ancestors but a change of identity. Ukrainian and Belarussian nationalism are far more Polish, far more Lithuanian, far more Austrian, than they are Ukrainian and Belarussian.

Ukrainians and Bealrussians are in fact Russians who lived under Western European rule. That is the only difference between them and Muscovy. Why embrace the foreign chains? Why deny one's identity in favor of a foreign force? Why seek to create weak, poor states continually begging for alms from the West? Why not re-unite with the Russian Federation to restore Rus?

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Historian 25/01/01(Wed)18:35 No. 15727

Most politically conservative viewpoints encountered in the wild boil down to pretending not to understand how something works. In this case, what you're pretending not to understand is taxation, government spending, and war.

Historian 25/01/01(Wed)18:38 No. 15728

The historicist justification for the war is just slop for the dumb masses.

Historian 25/02/16(Sun)14:08 No. 15729

Carta marina is interesting. Look closely at today's Balticum. Between the two lakes, there's a RVSSIA ALBA (White Russia).

And southwards from the western lake, there's an "I". And just south of it it says RVSSIA REGALIS NIGRA (Black royal Russia)?


Historian 15/04/17(Fri)20:37 No. 14579 [Reply]

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When did war stop being glorious?

In the past people joined the war with intention of gaining honor.

I reckon it was the Civil war that really ended the glory of war. I think it has something to do when warring countries ceased to respect eachother.

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Historian 22/10/28(Fri)01:30 No. 15608

Rather than be that guy, I'll talk about what I find lovable about war.

The way it simplifies all of life's problems down to 'can you?' 'what is important?' and so on. This as a 1:1 culture, not [especially not the modern nihilist version]. The human aspect. As a collective with men it's just assumed bravado, but otherwise an ordinary thing. That's something that we have little of after 2010.

Ourtoo 25/01/01(Wed)14:48 No. 15724

The empire abolished the war liberty clause for all nations soon after WW2 ended.

Historian 25/01/01(Wed)14:50 No. 15725

Reducing the population.

Food Culture Historian 23/05/24(Wed)13:03 No. 15653 [Reply]

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Does every culture have a version of meat on a stick?

Historian 23/05/25(Thu)13:00 No. 15654

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Also fried dough. I think every culture has that too.

Historian 23/06/08(Thu)11:57 No. 15658

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Coffee culture is best

Historian 24/10/06(Sun)15:08 No. 15708

NYC Flushings

Historian 22/12/30(Fri)22:22 No. 15620 [Reply]

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Is there any explanation for the mysterious creature that the HMS Daedalus encountered on 6 August 1848?


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Historian 23/06/19(Mon)16:11 No. 15661

Moons been kinda wildin lately?

You feeling the new moon yet?

Historian 23/06/22(Thu)15:24 No. 15662

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Chinese chick next door is mooning me

Historian 24/10/06(Sun)15:04 No. 15707

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Historian 14/11/11(Tue)09:03 No. 14463 [Reply]

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Rough idea just coming together here, but at least half the people who live in the USA want to live in another USA. ...a USA without most of the US government. ...if the Native American reservation lands are technically Sovereign Nations unto themselves, but reside within the borders of the US... they get the security of the USA by default, but...

and they were to say "heyyy, huge corporate & biotech & energy companies, all the shit the squeamish US Gov doesn't want you to do, Stem Cell research, Cloning, Liquid Flouride Thorium Reactor, etc... We're gonna designate this area over here, where you can do it all, & if your corporate headquarters & employees want to relocate here, we're simply going to extend everyone a 4% flat tax to you and your employees, and you can tell the US Gov and the IRS and SEC and their costly bureaucracy to go get stuffed.

The US Government would be woefully unable to compete with what a Tribe could offer. Those lands would quickly become the most valuable lands in the world, still owned by the tribes, because of the legal protections the tribes provide, and even on such a looow tax rate, those tribes would ensure the companies remain happy, and grow wealthy enough to not need the unreliable pittance from the US Gov, begin to acquire more of their own lands back, and finally prosper as the cool landlords of the worlds most desirable, powerful nations, probably the best role anyone could ever hope for, could stop relying on & self destructing from the casino racket, could afford to develop modern cities reflecting their own culture (instead of all the displaced european replica cities we're used to), the world would get the science it wants, etc etc etc.

If we willed our lands to Native Tribes, we'd be willing it away from the shitty US Government...

...I can't believe I'm thinking what the native americans need are giant corporations, but fuck there's a way to build an alternate USA.

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Historian 23/12/25(Mon)04:49 No. 15676

It took you three months to come up with that?

Historian 24/01/03(Wed)20:25 No. 15677

Slow and steady is the key

Historian 24/10/03(Thu)11:16 No. 15706

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You mean CANADA or MEXICO?

The history of the Jews and their role in slavery OP!T1tXaJv9os 20/06/28(Sun)09:11 No. 15329 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Since it was brought up in an /elit/ thread, I figured I'd share some historical information someone was curious about.

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Historian 20/10/27(Tue)03:51 No. 15416

That would be amazing...

Historian 20/12/15(Tue)16:44 No. 15424



Historian 24/05/14(Tue)10:51 No. 15696


Historian 14/03/09(Sun)21:12 No. 14202 [Reply]

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We need a giant battlefield movie, set in any period with gunfire... preferably the Seven Year's War, this would be the best way to vicariously live in the most interesting parts of all of history

With all the funds... GoPro's in the actors playing the cavalry, artillery, officers, rankers, battlefield observers.. jumping to the king's point of view ( in some cases the General himself ) showing BOTH sides of the conflict. or third parties like nearby villagers or deserters

The scale will need to be huge, 40,000 ideally...

With so many perspectives (goProCams) you'd get a like a movie in the third dimension, you wouldn't necessarily sit down and watch it, though it could be edited that way for multiple movies within the battle, or you'd click on different cameras while the movie is playing throughout time and choose what you are watching and from who's point of view

6 hours worth of a continuous acting on a battlefield with high tech special effects and scripting would produce the most content ever

If Europeans are considerate to their ancestors they could work together to make it happen, i mean by god! they've been doing it for 300 years, this is a minor project to them!

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Historian 23/07/17(Mon)22:25 No. 15668

Never, that place Is going to burn to the ground before China ever takes it back. China needs it intact and undamaged cause they can repopulate it but they can't rebuild it.

Historian 24/06/24(Mon)15:54 No. 15698

There's Barry Lindon but it doesn't have a lot of battle scenes.

Historian 24/06/24(Mon)20:21 No. 15699


I dislike racist idealogies Anonymous 23/08/23(Wed)02:29 No. 15671 [Reply]

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I was thinking about black people in Africa. How they are starving and poor. How all the foods Americans throw out and waste. And no matter how much food you throw out, it will have no effect one way or the other on Africa. Even if you don't throw out 1 piece of food the whole year, Africa will still starve.

I was thinking how to save the Africans. Keep giving them care packages and support. But it seems futile. They just keep fucking women, making more and more babies. JUST STOP FUCKING WOMEN. Is what I said. But a life of being incel is not living. Telling a male to not fuck women is like telling a bear to not eat honey.

I realize now the only way to save Africa. Sterilize half the population. There is no criterion to who gets sterilized. Its a coin flip. Its just. Its fair. It only applies to countries in Africa that have starvation. After many years of thinking how to save Africa, this is the only way.

I dislike racist ideologies. They try to dehumanize Africans, try to make them seem as less than people. But they are people. They are suffering. This is the way to save Africa. We sterilize precisely because we care. Or you can be a lib, act outraged, tell me I'm wrong, tell me you're offended, so you can feel good about yourself and pat yourself on the back. Pretend there isn't an issue and pretend your lib doctrine is somehow helping the situation. While there are actually people out there suffering.

Also, I was banned from 4chan for no reason, fuck them. That place is infested by tards anyway. Literally banning the person who's going to help civilization the most, no wonder civilization is a dystopia. I was gonna post in the International forum but I don't see one here, this is the closest I could find.


Historian 23/12/19(Tue)17:12 No. 15675

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As far as population goes, Africa deals with the same thing Palestinians deal with.

There's an ingrained sense of urgency to procreate when the average life expectancy and average age of the population drops dramatically. Sterilizing half the population will be a very temporary fix, and could very well cause more harm than good.

The main problem with Africa is the "Paradox of Plenty". They have what most of the world needs, whether it be rare-earth minerals, oil, or other natural resources, but mismanagement (usually caused by outside influences) strangles the population while propping up despots.

Their natural resources that consumers in developed nations by for a huge premium are bought at a huge discount, regardless of the back-breaking labor it takes to extract them, the environmental impact, and what's considered "fair market pricing".

So in short, capitalism, neo-colonialism, and economic imperialism all propping up dictatorial and corrupt leaders (because they're the easiest to bribe) are the problems.

BLACK HAWK!61UCILkwc2 24/03/19(Tue)15:21 No. 15689

15 years still reacts.

Historian 24/04/22(Mon)11:50 No. 15692


> I realize now the only way to save Africa. Sterilize half the population. There is no criterion to who gets sterilized. Its a coin flip. Its just. Its fair. It only applies to countries in Africa that have starvation. After many years of thinking how to save Africa, this is the only way.

That's not how it works. Poorer countries often have higher fertility rate which grows closer to replacement rate as the economy improves. China introduced one child policy when it was quite poor before removing it recently. India had ~5 children per couple in the 70s and is closer to ~2.4 now.

Sterilizing is just a forced bandaid, not the solution to the core problem.

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