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/halp/ - Technical Support

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Movies & TV 24/7 via Channel7: Web Player, .m3u file. Music via Radio7: Web Player, .m3u file.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)04:49 No. 22009 ID: beb2f9 [Reply]

File 14520521424.jpg - (1.78MB , 4032x3024 , image.jpg )

Hey /halp/, been long since I been here. Currently running a Lenovo Windows 7 laptop and my screen is fucked up. How do I fix this?

Pic related.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)04:55 No. 22010 ID: 2df8ca

Plug into an external monitor.
Video good = Screen or cable is bad.
No Video = GPU or Mobo is bad.
Cable is the cheapest to replace but from my experience if you see anything on the screen then the cable is good.
Screens run about $40ish and aren't "too" hard to replace if you don't know what you're doing.
See if that model has a YouTube disassembly video to help.

I'd bet your screen is broken. ~$40 fix. EZPZ

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)05:13 No. 22012 ID: beb2f9


Guessing that I was right. Did think it was the screen that was the issue, lucky I kept my Windows XP monitor. Thanks Anon.

Anonymous 16/01/06(Wed)05:48 No. 22013 ID: 2df8ca

Np, have a good one.

ABOUT A REAL HACKER Melodazed 19/06/17(Mon)06:00 No. 22671 ID: e3ad54 [Reply]

Real hackers are corky and hard to find but if you’re lucky to find one you must be cautious in your relation with them. They will get almost anything done, you just have to not waste their time and yours. My testimony is about Royalblade, data scientist and revolutionary hacker who fix my score within 3 weeks. I’m currently sitting at 822 guys, after so many years of struggling to build my score. I met with a testimonial on YouTube which was a lot of people talking about this guy. Glad I tried cause now I’m in my new home all thanks to him. Contact royalblade@protonmailCom


Anonymous 19/06/26(Wed)10:35 No. 22673 ID: eabe31

File 156153815195.gif - (1.26MB , 540x405 , Fake.gif )

Two posts to /halp/?

You must be really hard up for "customers"

uninstall v 19/06/06(Thu)20:44 No. 22668 ID: 4017b8 [Reply]

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how to uninstall protected software with a password?
I have also tried a lot to delete/uninstall but it's not working

Anonymous 17/06/10(Sat)21:22 No. 22475 ID: 4ad78f [Reply]

File 149712254366.jpg - (50.34KB , 555x505 , 1362444562639.jpg )

help,, my keyboaarrd is ovevrsenssitive
made this post without ccorrecting the mimsstakes so you can see whats goingng ono

3 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/06/12(Mon)01:56 No. 22479 ID: 6aad31

>let it sit for a couple minutes then repeat the process a few times
let it soak for a couple minutes

Anonymous 19/04/24(Wed)03:47 No. 22661 ID: 891d66

unscrew all the screws and blow into the thing
if you have a can of compressed air that's better

Anonymous 19/04/24(Wed)23:52 No. 22662 ID: 078e96


It's not a virus (if they screw up they tend to double tap the keys). I've seen this before, normally it's when someone gets a new board and they're not used to it, they're still using their old muscle memory and not fully lifting off the keys.

Either that or you've jizzed on it and the keys aren't raising properly.

Slow your typing, if it persists. Disassemble and clean the thing. If the problem still persists get a new board.

A website where people control an online computer Anonymous 19/04/22(Mon)01:49 No. 22658 ID: 0d0b74 [Reply]

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System administrator wallpaper bypass Anonymous 18/11/21(Wed)10:34 No. 22614 ID: efb18f [Reply]

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Hey /halp/, 7ch isn't blocked at my university, so I thought I'd ask if anybody here knows how to change a wallpaper when the system administrator blocks desktop personalisation. I'll actually provide some troubleshooting information as well, rather than being a total pain.
OS is Windows 10 Education Edition.
#1 - Browsers can't override it; IE11 doesn't even have "Set as desktop background" as a selectable option.
#2 - File Explorer's "Set as desktop background" is selectable but does nothing.
#3 - Windows personalisation is restricted on desktop background and screensaver tabs, managed by system administator.
#4 - There isn't any generic wallpaper.png or etc. to swap out in Pictures.
#5 - Can't edit or access the registry to change the wallpaper key in HKCU.

No idea why they do this stuff, I'm only going to waste my time to undermine this tbqh. They've only just implemented this pointless policy.
Also let me know if there's a more appropriate board for this question.
Thanks in advance, /halp/.

9 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
test!rvCKZNcnTM 19/01/02(Wed)21:01 No. 22636 ID: 57f6cd


Anonymous 19/01/14(Mon)19:35 No. 22644 ID: 1c429d

I'vd been out of the "hacking" game for quite a while, now. 95/98/ME/XP were my playgrounds.

That said, if there is already a wallpaper in use, can't you just find that file and replace it with a different picture and give it the same name? Do it from a linux USB or CD if you can't write the file from windows?

Unless the wallpaper is looked up on a server somewhere and updated on each boot or something, which I find doubtful.

I have a similar question:
I want to change the go-to-screensaver/turnoff - monitor time on my computer at work, but those options are not available (but you can change your wallpaper all you want, go figure)

Why? So I can be away from my desk longer and nobody can use the state of my monitor as an indication of how long I might have been "missing".

It's a Windows 7 machine,and they use active directory to lock everybody down.

But here's the kicker:
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Anonymous 19/01/15(Tue)00:18 No. 22645 ID: a870df

Usually they'll put the background in a restricted folder that normal users can't write to. At login it'll update that image with a copy from the server so any changes are only temporary.

It sounds like your workplace defined the 'prevent users from changing' setting but didn't define the value itself. They're different settings in the policy, all they have to do is enable it and populate it with their preferred value and voila, a uniform time is enforced.

95/98/SE/ME were very different creatures, it was actually a problem to limit users since by default users had full control. NT is the opposite, users normally have no control and administator features must be explicitly added. XP suffered from being long in the tooth by the time it was retired with a dizzying array of patches plugging holes while simultaneously opening additional holes.

photographers please 18/12/06(Thu)07:49 No. 22622 ID: 323de9 [Reply]

File 154407898894.jpg - (18.87KB , 340x340 , Kit-de-2-Softbox-2-Ampoules-Boite-Lumiere-sudio-ph.jpg )

can i install my 2 speedlites instead of the lightbulbs in those standds <

Anonymous 18/12/06(Thu)14:35 No. 22625 ID: 0819a6

It'd make more sense for you to email the manufacturer/seller and ask them directly rather than asking on some dead gay internet board.

Anonymous 18/05/06(Sun)18:28 No. 22548 ID: 41dc9b [Reply]

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Recommend me a good photo-viewing program for windows 10 that can view gifs

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Anonymous 18/06/12(Tue)01:21 No. 22557 ID: 966c7f

Imageglass all day

Anonymous 18/06/16(Sat)14:26 No. 22560 ID: 91e960

ACDsee, boyo

Anonymous 18/11/17(Sat)02:45 No. 22609 ID: 94fb96

Try nomacs. It's a powerful but easy to use image view. It's cross platform and works on almost every relevant OS. I personally use it on Windows 7, OS X 10.7, Ubuntu LTS, and Fedora Linux.


problem with porn videos Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)02:11 No. 22580 ID: 72f280 [Reply]

i posted this somewhere else but i figured id try here to

im using firefox 62 with ublock origin but for some reason the videos will never load all the way.the blue bar never goes all the way across and the video will only play until that point and then just stop

oh,and it does it with more then just xnxx.com,ive had the same issue with pornhub,redtube,etc

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Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)02:42 No. 22583 ID: 72f280


actually i just clicked on my ublock origin icon and just clicked that big blue thing and it disabled it for that page

Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)02:46 No. 22586 ID: 1e5fb7

Other adblockers usually have a right-click to block function but Ublock Origin's whitelist kind of works like a text editor for programming. This guy breaks down how to do it for videos on twitch and youtube channels without whitelisting the site and the same method should work here.

That works too if you don't mind whitelisting the whole page.

Anonymous 18/10/18(Thu)03:25 No. 22587 ID: a870df

I usually just click on the video a few times.

I think you click it to load the video (trigger click to play), click it to pause, then click one last time to play.

Its a little fussy and there is some odd timing involved but once you get the hang of it this works without whitelisting the page or site.

dathariuss datharius 18/09/22(Sat)17:47 No. 22573 ID: b93048 [Reply]

hi everybody

Anonymous 18/09/22(Sat)18:22 No. 22574 ID: 1e5fb7

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You got a tech support problem or do you just want to socialize?

Anonymous 18/09/23(Sun)12:40 No. 22575 ID: 0f6931

Can't we do both?

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